Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A feel good look back at Nemo, or whatever that storm was called on Feb. 8

Here is something to do while waiting for whatever the Weather Channel named the storm coming into the NY area this evening...

The day after Nemo (the Storm of Feb. 8™), East Village resident Stephen Nangeroni shot video of people (and hawks and dogs) enjoying Tompkins Square Park and the East River Park.

Per Stephen: "The video is purely happy in tone... the idea is to capture the goofiness and fun of a day in the snow."

Here is the link to Vimeo, where it looks better than here.


Adam said...

Pretty sweet video!

Wax said...

screenshot, 3:02:

is the guy actually feeding a dead rodent to his dog?! lol.

sweet video, btw.