An EVG reader passed along the above photo of the Pub Crawl Santa suit, noting with suitable disgust — "Fuckin' Ricky's!" (The photo is from the Sixth Avenue location. Both East Village stores have the suits in the window as well.)
Anyway, for a bargain price of $25 at Ricky's you can get yourself a genuine Pub Crawl Santa suit — hat, beard, pants, etc.

Of course, there's no price on your reputation...
Thanks, Ricky's, for supporting and trying to make money off of an event that terrorizes your neighbors! I am crossing Ricky's off my list of places to shop in the neighborhood.
These synthetic fabric Santa suits are flammable... highly flammable. Just something to consider.
Thanks for the alert. I am there!
How about we all put on these flame-friendly suits, get boozed up, smoke a bowl, then crawl Rickies! By the time we're done puking, urinating and smearing the walls with feces in true Santacon style, they might think twice promoting this assinine costume next year.
Yup. Of course. Why not?
I wonder if they'll be open to sell them DURING the 'event', too. With a bucket and mop handy.
What! no accompanying piss and vomit bucket?
how about signs directing santa com folks to rickies for free beer coupons or for pretzels or something
You people are freaks. You are making this SantaCon thing much bigger than it is.
Calm down.
This fair lady hopes Lord SMDH will carry her bucket of chunder this Santacon!
I am getting REALLY tired of all you armchair Scrooges and your online bah humbug bashing of SantaCon. I've been participating in this event for 15 years and have never puked, pissed or smeared shit on anything. I spend over a month and $200 on my costume every year. Yes, a couple of bad eggs who bus in from the 'burbs get messy. Please don't put us all in the same toy sack.
Abby, perhaps your irritation is better directed at the SantaCon-official rape-joke Tweeter than at people who have been inconvenienced and harassed by SantaCons in the past, and who are offended by the hubris of their spokespeople currently.
We all realize there are "good eggs" among the Santas, but I'm afraid your event has been thoroughly taken over.
Abby, brave of you to stand up against popular opinion here, but you are one of a kind. Unfortunately, too many others are not. The gf and I really miss your adult parties. Sorry that S C has changed so much in 15 yrs. Have fun!
Abby. Tip. Don't read the comments!
Here's what Santacon is now.
sorry, Abby
Ran into elves buying costume fixins at Big Box Store. Couldn't find a cowbell. I directed them to the local, as in locally owned, not franchise, toy store, which she's never heard of despite living one block away.
And then I said, "Santacon, eh?" to which the elf-ette said, "Oh, she's up on the trends," as if I were the EV version of Rip Van Winkle. I wanted to get into the rape tweet, but left it at "be careful."
Filed under: No good deed goes unappreciated by entitled brat.
Anyway, hope she spent some of her entitled dollars at the toy store, since the owner is an old friend.
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