Thats's the word late this afternoon from WABC-7, who simply report for now that "the man is a Manhattan resident in his 30s" and he is in police custody.
Earlier today, the NYPD released a video of the suspect wanted for questioning in connection with the rape of a 22-year-old woman inside her apartment on East Seventh Street early yesterday morning.
Updated 8:12 p.m.
NBC New York and several other outlets are now reporting:
After being questioned in the attack, 32-year-old Fermin Flores of Washington Heights was arrested on charges of rape, burglary, criminal sex act and strangulation, police said.
Updated Jan. 15
The Daily News has a photo of the suspect in police custody … according to the paper, the victim told investigators that she saw her attacker earlier in the evening.
Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] NYPD investigating possible sexual assault on East 7th Street
NYPD releases surveillance video of East Seventh Street rape suspect
Just because the police splash around someone's photo doesn't necessarily mean they've actually committed a crime. http://m.nydailynews.com/1.1365190
Let's take whatever help we can get
Glad they caught him. I work at a local ED and there are so many sexual assaults in the EV -- it is unbelievable! Hope his victim is doing ok.
Interstingly enough it is very easy to find the named suspected perpetrator on Facebook. Exercise caution, he is innocent until proven guilty.
Here's more info with an arrest photo:
7:53PM, what is an "ED"?
Not surprising that many sexuall assualt crimes go unreported. There are so many more incidents and serious crimes that the public is never informed about, all to create the illusion of safety so the realtors can gentrify neighborhoods like the EV. You basically need a warm corpse and a blood trail a mile long to get a shooting reported and counted as a crime these days.
Traffic accidents are almost never counted as crimes even when there is recklessness or criminal intent, Ali's case was a rare example of the DA pressing charges against a driver.
There was a woman interviewed on TV about the rape who told the reporter the same thing you hear every time there's a crime, "I'm surprised, this is a safe neighborhood." Yes, until it isn't. Just because the grafitti and empty lots are gone and the new shiny condos and sushi places are here don't mean it's safe.
During SantaCon not one crime was reported, but every year there are assaults and other crimes. Wearing a Santa suit gives you a pass.
No doubt it is safe here than during the crack wars of the 80s but that was an aberration. I see too many girls put their purses over the back of retaurant chairs and then they wonder why someone stole it. And they walk around alone and drunk late at night and are easy targets.
You still need to be very careful in the EV, or anywhere you go, especially at 4AM when no one is around.
Nothing good ever happens at 4 in the morning.
@ Giovanni- The 4AM comment. Very very true...
Yes everybody should be careful, especially at night when there are few people around, but there is a fine and subtle but real line between those wise words of caution and blaming the victim because she was out late. A violent crime can happen day or night and if someone wants to do harm, they will find a way, regardless of how careful you are. If you know her, or someone who has been raped, I BEG you not to ask "what were you doing there, shouldn't you know better, what did you think would happen." It's not her fault in any way, for any reason, under any circumstance.
I am relieved they caught this guy so swiftly. Let's hope justice prevails, and hopefully it will be one thing in a long list of things to help this young woman heal.
In the fold days..the EV was safer.
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