The Best of New York 2014 issue named EVG as the Best Local Website.

Yikes. There go my plans to "temporarily close for renovations" next week.
Seriously, though — thank you. Everyone.
And congratulations to my blogging friend Jeremiah Moss, whose Jeremiah's Vanishing New York was deservedly named Best Chronicle of New York's Ever-Changing Face.
Well-deserved kudos, Grieve! (And Jeremiah too!)
Good going I will change my name to Verizon User..instead of verizonabuser if this keeps up.
The Village Voice is just confirming what we already knew, congrats EV Grieve!
Congrats congrats Grieve!
some sanity left in this world, congrats EV, well deserved
Good job. Congrats!
Yay! Deserved indeed.
Well done and well deserved!
What, a three year old quote? Another reason the Voice is less-relevant by the minute! Kidding! Congrats Grieve!
This is the place to be- congratulations EV! Couldn't happen to a nicer blog.
In other news, Gothamist announced today that it is throwing in the towel and is changing it's name to EV Grieveamist. It will now be just an EV Grieve mirror website sponsored by gentrifying developers and overpriced restaurants.
Good on you, Grieve, your and Jeremiah's blogs are my must-reads every day. Thanks to you both for your efforts, and for giving so many of us a voice we would not otherwise have. Thanks also to my fellow commenters, be ye for or agin me, who make the reads even more informative/ amusing/irritating than they already are.
The Voice is late to the party, as is its custom.
EV Grieve....the best. I read it every morning at my desk uptown, so I know what is going in my neighborhood downtown. EV Grieve...keep up the great work!!!
Congrats! And to think Sophie's started it all! (and it was saved).
So perfect.
Take a well deserved bow! Congratulations EVG!
You're the best around
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down
EV, thank you for always being there.
Very well deserved. Kudos.
Here! Here!
Shit.....word on the street sez you're expanding to NYCGrieve......hiring only Columbia-trained journalists (and NYU-only maintenance interns)......trading in the Schwinn for a 2015 Lamborghini.....and lookin' for new headquarters (sniff....sniff....sound of teardrop hitting keyboard) up...up....UPtown! (annnd there's word that your also up for being a judge on The Voice.)
Geezus....ever since you got that Pinhead-Giovanni Media Group doin' the yakyak, it's like we're watching you morph into some kind of Iggy Pop/Divine/Lady GooGoo mash-up. Somebody told me that they saw you gettin' out of a zebra-striped stretch-limo on AveB the other night.....and you had chromed your in-line dancin' skates ; your bright-red tutu was obviously from one of those SoHo fru-fru shoppes ; annnd you were wearing a CBGB (the Movie) t-shirt with cut-out (NOT ripped) holes in it.
And now,all of a sudden,judging by this behavior, the possibility of a paywall rears its ugly head AGAIN!
Please COME BACK to 'yer roots friend. Perhaps it may be time for a NY Blogger Mafia intervention. Force-feeding of multiple Ray's egg-creams may also be in order. Just remember, we're ALL here to support you as you slough-off this fleeting brush with fame:+)
Oh, and VV forgot a couple of categories:
Best NYC Music/Pop Culture History : Flaming Pablum vassifer.blogs.com
Best NYC Exploration :
Best Wonderfully Diverse Music
Stupefaction theworldsamess.blogspot.ca
Best Old NYC Architecture
....and about a 100 others :+)
Congrats! Here's to many more years of grieving! :)
It is interesting... which these give you more useful and interesting information:
A) Village Voice
B) EVGrieve
Congratulations on the accolade and thank you for all your efforts EVG.
It might be nice if you give the interns an extra crust of bread, or loosen their ankle shackles a notch.
I hope the The Long-Lost Intern of EV Grieve had been found, returns, and offered a full-time position and given perks other than meat pies, biscuits, froyos, and bottomless brunch every weekend.
Word on the circuit says that (s)he's been spotted interning somewhere else for social caché food and gas, living rent-free in a three-story home with two acres of beachfront property and a pool.
Three [artisan, curated, sustainable] Cheers!, nonetheless...
Congrats, evgrieve kept me informed during Sandy when I was out of the city during the storm and part of it's aftermath. If it wasn't for you and your reader I don't know how I would have coped.
Congrats on the well-deserved honor!
Good for you, EV! Couldn't agree more. And thank you for all you have done - brilliant stuff!
EVGrieve.com: The reason that as I walk the streets of the neighborhood with friends and family they often ask, "How the fuck do you know all of this stuff??" Thanks for all of the thorough reporting Grieve and congratulations!
Congratulations EVG! The humans I live with read your blog every day and then walk me around so I can sniff all the hot spots!
Thank you everyone! Much appreciated.
As for the interns, it's just weird. One minute they're running to Pie Face for lunch...
Good shit! & to echo whoever said it- Yup- You're one of my everyday must reads!
hell yeah! well earned!!!
Gothamshit has got nothing on East Village Grieve. That site and its "reporters", esp. JDS, steal and copy most of your contents without crediting EVG. And to paraphrase a former editor of Voice -- Gothamist's purpose is very simple: rewrite everything significant in the morning's newspapers, such as the New York Times, and other local blogs, in short -- passionless, humorless, bite-sized chunks. I don't get it. But for some reason, some people do, and they prefer to get their news chewed up in the form of room-temperature gruel rather than go directly to the source and read the, you know, New York Times itself.
And, unlike the commentrolls in Gothamshit, most of the stories here could not have been told without the involvement and aid of the awesome commenting community via their tips and knowledge of the neighborhood. More importantly, this blog had been ad-free from day one. Though it does get some shillers from that "alternative mode of transportation" and the gastropubs.
Congrats. You're one of only two bloggers about the city I still religiously visit. Dedicated and nuanced. Glad to see recognition by other media outlets.
Congratulations! Your work is much much appreciated.
I quote to my friends about EV Grieve almost weekly. Love this blog.
Best of the spineless and biased blogs.
Someone's all sour pudding.
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