An EVG reader shared this rather grisly discovery this morning from outside the New York City Marble Cemetery on Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... inside the baskets are at least two dead chickens as well as an assortment of candy and broken dishes.

One resident on the scene said that this was likely a Santeria ritual, conducted by someone of the Santeria faith, with each chicken representing a curse on someone. (If any occult experts want to chime in...)
The reader who shared the photos said that the NYPD was notified of this discovery.
Sick, cruel.
Too many religions still sacrifice chickens just for their superstitious ceremonies and beliefs, and then they wastefully throw the dead chickens away. We are still living in the dark ages.
This is very sick, not to mention unsanitary. And what is it with these ancient rituals anyway? Why do they always involve killing animals? Think about it; you never see vegetarians sacrificing brocolli or carrots.
This city is devolving fast. Bet that the filth that left that there just assume no would care considering the way the this city is ignoring blight and dereliction by the "travellers" (which includes both crusties and free-spending tourists and students)
There is that lasso like swinging barbaric ritual that the Hasidim do in Williamsburg too, which your mayor's administration along with a judge found perfectly acceptable by lifting Bloomberg's ban on it to get their filthy donor lucre.
That's a funny analogy.
I sacrifice broccoli everyday by humanely not eating that foul weed. I also do the same with cauliflower and spinach.
Have it on good authority that a Puerto Rican bar that was on St Mark's a long time ago (80s?) was finally shut down when a ticked off local white/anglo resident put a dead chicken at their front door. Nobody would go into the bar anymore. He had asked an elderly Puerto Rican woman, south of Houston St, what to do.
@JQ LLC Lumping crusties, tourists and students together is hilarious. As is the bet that "no one would care". "Didn't care if anyone cared", maybe, but less likely than "hoping to creep out either specific people or everyone in general or both."
I didn't say that to be hilarious but O.K.
All those detritus photos on this blog came from somewhere, so why not lump all loathsome demographics together.
Like our president once remarked, it comes from both sides. both. sides.
This reminds me, try to eat less animal products. It is not healthy to eat so much animal fat and protein. Our diet is killing us prematurely. Heart disease is preventable by eating a whole food plant based diet. That means not so much refined processed plant food also.
These dead chicken hampers are a common occurrence ever since Azealia Banks moved into the cemetery.
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