The abbreviations-heavy sign explains what bus-goers can do for service during this time. "Please use: 1st Ave. for W.B. service & Ave. C for E.B. PAT at RHE Temp. Locations." (Updated: I didn't even notice the 2003 the first time! 🙄)
And during this time, Avenue A will be closed to through traffic between Fourth Street and Seventh Street...
The updated Avenue A bus stop will include new amenities, including a wine cellar and a cigar humidor, pickleball court, a Tai Chi deck, and a spa with outdoor bath gardens, steam showers and treatment rooms.
I have lived in the East Village for nearly 50 years and have a graduate degree and can't interpret that sign.
Free buffet & open bar forever !!!
I think the printshop included the handscrawled posting instructions (Post at the temporary locations) in the sign.
They closed the stop 20 years ago (2003) and they are just getting around to telling us? And what is "PAT AT RHE TEMP. LOCATIONS"?
🎶 sign, sign, everywhere a sign 🎶
W.B. = Westbound,
E.B. = Eastbound.
You all are welcome.
Why is Avenue A closed, anyone know? I live on 4th and A
Probably closing for some major ConEd substation work? I remember this happening in the past when they had to bring in some huge crane and lots of heavy equipment.
Sounds like both sides of the street would be closed, right? Maybe check MyMbTA. Good to know. Also must be "for EastBound pay at the" something or other "temporary locations", but what is RHE???
Pay at the temporary locations
time travelers take note
as always I think it’s easier just to walk
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