Hayne Suthon, who owns (and lives) in the building on First Avenue and operates Lucky Cheng's, now on West 52nd Street, says that she believes the remaining partners intend to continue with the restaurant, but hasn't heard details on their new plan of action.
"The space looks amazing — so much work and energy went into creating it," she told us via Facebook. "It's like a ghost town downstairs with nothing going on in that huge formally rather lively space. I still live upstairs and miss the activity."
Although the plans are still up in the air for Pride & Joy, she floated one idea.
"Maybe I'll move back the drag queens all dressed up like Dolly Parton, have them on the grill, making peach cobbler or bathtub moonshine."
Previously on EV Grieve:
Myron Mixon's Pride & Joy BBQ now in the works for the former Lucky Cheng's space
Myron Mixon lawsuit puts opening of Pride and Joy BBQ in question at former Lucky Cheng's space
Could bring a WHOLE new level of meaning to pulled pork.
I kind of like Hayne's idea. Much more EV'ey.
"Maybe I'll move back the drag queens all dressed up like Dolly Parton..."
That'd be a dream come true!! I live across the street and I've been fearing the arrival of a chain-style pseudo celeb restaurant with long lines out the door.
I'm vegetarian and don't eat bbq or drink but I'd pay to see the Dolly Parton drag queens!
I welcome any idea featuring drag queens.
Of all my memories of Lucky Cheng's, my favorite is the afternoon when in broad daylight, there was a coffin being loaded from the funeral home next door into a parked hearse. It had somehow gotten stuck and was blocking the entire sidewalk. All the pedestrians on the sidewalk were frozen. A couple of drag queens, a bit worn looking and who had seen better days, arrived. They were obviously late for work at Lucky Cheng's, and the coffin was not going to deter them. They flung their bags over their shoulders, gathered their skirts, and in 5 inch heels, climbed over the coffin and ran into the basement bar entrance of the restaurant...
I would totally love the drag queen BBQ idea!
When I moved two blocks away, one of the attractors was that Cheng's was right in the neighborhood. The new location is nowhere near as good.
Somehow, "Dolly Parton drag queens" seems vaguely redundant.
The reason it moved in the first place was that no "locals" were going and it was out of the tourist NYC range....now everyone says they want to go to drag queen restaurant...... sigh.
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