Monday, September 16, 2013

Once more with feeling

Thanks to @EliJGay for sharing this shot this evening from East Ninth Street...


Laura Goggin Photography said...


MaddMaxx said...

I don't live in NY. Being a lover of trees, open spaces, and farmland, I thought I'd HATE NY. I have a close family member that has been a New York native for about 16 years and I visit the City twice a year. I have come to so love this city and it's people. To love the sights, the sounds, the smells, etc. I wear my NYC ball cap with pride. From 9-11 to Super Storm Sandy and everything in between, NY, I love you.
This is a spectacular picture! It shows the glorious old and some of the (not so glorious?) new, the backdrop of the golds, reds and purples of a setting sun framing it with an all-encompassing beauty no man could ever create.