From the EVG inbox...
I thought your readers might enjoy Rentenna's new NYC Green Heat Map which shows the density of trees in Manhattan, as well as the borough's biggest parks and all of the current active farmer's markets.
Rentenna ranks every rental apartment building on a scale of 1-100, based on a multitude of factors, including transit, amenities, and now our new Green Score which takes into account the apartment's proximity to parks and farmers markets. The Green Map takes it a step further by incorporating the tree density per block so renters can find that beautiful tree-lined street they always wanted.
Here is the site if you're interested.
And from the look of the mappy thing, the East Village is pretty green. Now if we could only get MORE parking spots for cars! (Bwahahaha)
A lack of parking spaces is one of the last things that is really holding this city back. Citibike stations, unnecessary fire hydrants and even some trees are taking up valuable spaces. If this continues it will just be a matter of time until NYC is just another Shaker Heights.
Mappy thing. Nice Grieve, nice...
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