From the EVG inbox...
Please come to the opening night celebration of the Second Annual LUNGS (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens) Harvest Arts Festival tonight at LaPlaza Cultural at East Ninth Street and Avenue C. Come and bring your friends, drink and dance and have fun with us.
The schedule for Friday is:
5-6:30 For kids, with Circus Amok
6:30 Tompkins Square drummers
7 Welcome remarks featuring Rosie Mendez, Scott Stringer and Brian
7:30 to 8:15 Eric and Friends
8:15 Pierre Monney
9:00 Mike Cobb & the Crevulators
Find more details about LUNGS here.
But I'm confused - it says there it's happening on the 28th and the 29th
It is still going on at 11 pm. The bongos. People are trying to sleep. I can hear it though my bedroom with closed windows.
@10:50 - Drink Dance and HAVE FUN! Go out and join them - meet your neighbors - be PART of a neighborhood - ya can't be that tired (you're posting here aaren't you?) GO ENJOY HUMANITY :)
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