[The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black]
The annual Tompkins Square Park Riot reunion shows were Saturday and Sunday ... EVG contributor Stacie Joy stopped by yesterday for some of the festivities ...
The weekend also marked the 25th anniversary of The Shadow, the underground newspaper that sponsored these concerts.
Good times.

[Rosabelle Selavy]

[Paul Kostabi of Damn Kids]


[David Peel and friends]

[Gyda Gash of The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black]

[Kembra Pfahler]

Check out some of Goggla's photos here.
It looks like Sunday had a bigger crowd than Saturday. I only made it to part of Saturday's. Still, two of the three bands were decent.
Enough with these park shows because they validate the city taking away the park's bandshell so the park had no built in elevated platform for people to express themselves.
By not having shows on a fuckin' truck stage you tell the city BUILD A NEW BANDSHELL.
Why not?
All these super-rich assholes can put up their co-ops but the park can't get a new bandshell?
AnononymASS 1:58:
Who cares about not having a band shell or park dept stage (which was falsely PROMISED to the community for FREE when they demolished the band shell in 1992)? It was actually FUN to build our own fucking stage for those two days -- it was akin to community members getting together for a barn building.
The POINT is that the city can take away our band shell and facilitate gentrification and modify demographics by way of changing zoning to allow for the creation of over-priced yuppie ghettos for monied transients and providing corporate welfare in the form of tax-payer subsidies and tax abatements for market rate "luxury" micro-apartments, but they will NEVER get rid of US!!!!
WE'RE STILL HERE and we'll keep holding our events in OUR park, long after the next market crashes, which hopefully will ultimately rid us of the yuppie scum, hipster dip shits, frat rats and Euro trash that have been killing our city off, one building, one venue and one locally-owned business at a time. (They don't CARE that their very presence DESTROYS what attracts them here and what they're trying to be a part of!!)
Bottom line: Tompkins Square is OUR FUCKING PARK and it always WILL be OUR FUCKING PARK!! we ain't going ANYwhere!!
I went to Karen Black and was delighted.
This is kinda funny to see the photos of this year's riot anniversary since I was at the 88 riot and the ones after it. Those days are so far gone and forgotten and they were dangerous, powerful and exciting and there was a strong anarchist political element that caused them to happen. Poverty and no respect for cops or authority were the drivng force. I miss those days because we had a lot more control and freedom then. Anyway thanks to Flash for taking the time, effort and money to keep doing them but if you were there back then this ain't nothing like the real thing..Your House is Mine.. Peter Missing
Yeah who cares that the city got rid of the bandshell to take away a literal platform for expression? Idiot (since you wanna call me an "ass" which is the pot calling the kettle black.)
The city can build a new bandshell.
I got news for you:
It's EVERYONE's park including the people you listed as being your "enemy" so spare me your self-entitlement. Punks haven't done SHIT for the EV save stink it up with their fake beggar shit since 1992. Include them with the "scum" you listed cuz they're just as bad as if not worse than the bros, hos, yuppies etc.
My point which you obviously missed was pretending like it's 1988 doesn't accomplish anything. Rallying for a new bandshell does. It gives the park a permanent platform of expression again.
Keep up the illusion of the EV c.198X-9X all you want, I really don't give a fuck.
Bring back the oct smoke in or has that gone like days gone by hemp less wonder
"... but if you were there back then this ain't nothing like the real thing" Couldn't agree more! Was forced to cower with my girlfriend into a doorway on East 7th Street, prevented from entering our home by the "NYPD Cavalry", using billy clubs indiscriminately and the overhead helicopters trying to re-enact a low budget version of "Apocalypse Now". There was NOTHING funny about that. Now it seems to have turned into a gathering for families that consider themselves "cool" and progressive.
dang,how come Kembra never gets any older?! looking good!!
AnonymASS: You're an ASS because you're talking SHIT and you refuse to identify yourself. And because you use your anonymity in previous posts to slam several legendary bands and artists (friends of mine) whose defecation you are not fit to wipe up. Who the fuck do you think you are, you insignificant gnat? What are YOUR accomplishments? NADA, I'm sure....
As you still do not get it, "OUR FUCKING PARK" means EVERYONEs park -- not just the monied transients who got the NYPD to assist with their gentrification of Tompkins Square. WE fought for that fucking park and we're not giving it up, band shell or no band shell!!
NO ONE is "pretending that it's 1988" -- we are commemorating a horrible event in which kkkops descended on Tompkins Square in furtherance of a NON-EXISTENT park curfew and to just kick some ass, which they did with bloodlust. We're not living in the past, but we will NOT allow history to be forgotten. NOW do you get it????
Whether or not you do, I don't give a fuck either....
Love Kembra! And great picture of Gyda & Michael Wildwood!
Hey Chris Flash the only ASS is you.
I care that there is no bandshell. I want the city to build a new one. What's your problem with that, huh? You have to get a permit to have your nostalgia fest bandshell or parks department stage. A bandshell is more dignified and looks nicer than a parks department "stage" which is really a truck bed. You know if they don't like what's going on they can just roll it out, right? They can't do that with a bandshell, can they? No. Wrap that around your peabrain.
Hey EV Grieve it's cool for him to call me names and attack me but it's not ok for me to send it back?
I ALWAYS post as D unlike 99% of EV Grieve commenters, so I'm not anonymous, ok? I don't care if you know Chris Flash and I don't have to know who he is. I think his "celebration" of the '88 riot is a sham and the park needs a bandshell again. He is obviously against it because his agenda is to keep having his inner circle, who's down with him "shows" where they play off the truckbed he rents.
Bring a bandshell back thus bring back the former glory of the park.
Hey AnonymASS "D" (for Dumb-ass who doesn't know what he/she is talking about):
We have no problem with a band shell in the park (we have been calling for this for years), but we're not going to kiss anyone's ass to get one and we're not going to let the lack of a band shell or parks dept mobile stage stop us from putting on events in our park.
We don't use a rented truck bed (what shows in what park have YOU been attending?) -- we gather members of our community to build a stage that we designed and created ourselves. It takes about an hour and it's FUN. Most importantly, the shows go ON and everyone (except you), has a GREAT time!!
By the way, The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black was fucking AMAZING!!!!
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