Not a criticism, just a question.
After the horrific crash late Saturday night, I talked with several people who were surprised to see the Bean reopened Sunday morning at First Avenue and Third Street... Given the gory details that I heard, I was surprised too... One of the most severely injured, 71-year-old Preston Krupin, was sitting
inside the Bean...
I made note of
the reopening on Sunday morning...

On Sunday morning, a woman walked by carrying flowers... which she laid on the street. "Someone needs to put flowers here," she said.

On Monday morning, I heard maybe a dozen people in about 20 minutes time make mention of the crash....

It seemed to become a ghoulish point of interest.
was there morning after the crash, and it seemed business as usual. except for all the broken glass and such.
it certainly did open too soon. the owners/staff pretend to be so caring, friendly, hip, green and with it - yet opening right away proves their only green is the almighty$$$.
I'm sure they'll come up with some public relations spin that they opened right away for 'healing & closure' BULLSHIT!!! They opened knowing they'd make even more money from the gawkers and blood seekers.
here is a group of us that will NEVER spend another green $ there again because of the lack of respect & decorum they showed.
Nah, I don't think so. Stores need to be open to stay in business.
Not gonna lie, I thought "So soon?" when I saw the original post about this. It seemed ghoulish. But then I figured gawkers and reporters and cleaning crew would be outside all day anyway, plus they're going to have to pay to fix their storefront (up-front until insurance pays, anyway), and it's not like the Bean did anything to cause this tragedy so why should they suffer? I'll assume their rent is astronomical.
How long should they stay closed exactly? Would a week of lost business income be enough to prove they are paying respect? Businesses HAVE to move on and continue if they want to stay in business.
Let's keep supporting our neighborhood!
I would think they would have closed for at least a day just to clean up and give their staff, who were probably shaken, a breather. But life--and business-goes on.
Gotta pay that rent and fix that window...
I don't give a fuck about this yuppie shithole but of course they would open as soon as possible, give me a break, it's a business, it has nothing to do with the accident.
Ya know if that Anon comment at 12:22 PM isn't our own John Penley, then he has a secret admirer! LOL
I don't drink coffee but it's ironic that if you don't drink it and stay alert, you increase your chances of... getting run over by a bike... or cab!
P.S. I'm not a fan of the band "MGMT" but they should def use that photo of the sign on the table for their next album cover. It doesn't get any better than that.
NY Times chimes in.
Never mind that half the stories in this are from EV Grieve!
@TEVB - seriously. i agree with some of the above, the bean was an innocent bystander (beanstander?) in this situations. not like those bastards at sin sin!
No they did not open too soon.
If you want to close something in memorial, First Avenue should have been shut down for a week. Let the drivers suffer.
They opened too soon. END OF STORY! A decent business that cared about its location, customer base, community relations etc. would have showed some respect.
And - not a word from them on this blog. It would seem to me that any saavy business owner would realize that E.V. Grieve has important things to say about this neighborhood. (Unlike that sad imitator who calls himself Jeremiah...........)
Anyway - I know of at least 25 people who will never go to the Bean again.
Let the bean decay into the gas that beans produce!!!
to @One Who HAS Respect & the other anonymous haters --
you're all acting like the bean had anything to do with the accident. the pedestrians weren't mowed down by an out of control cafe, so get over your self-righteousness and recognize that neighborhood traffic and staying open is what keeps independently owned and operated businesses in the neighborhood.
you want a starbucks on east 3rd street? keep the bean closed for a week, hold a candlelight vigil and sing kumbaya -- that'll certainly pay the rent.
no one's asking if it's too soon for the rest of us to take taxis. life (even that of the injured) goes on.
Regarding the last 'Anonymous' comment: 'haters?" - that word fell out of fashion two years ago...and it was always a stupid use of the word.
Bean was wrong plain and simple. A one day closing out of respect was REQUIRED out of decency. Bean clearly has no decency.
Sing 'Kumbaya'? Ha Ha...Anonymous may be the first to use 'hater' & 'kumbaya' in the same rant! What an odd juxtaposition of dated terms - but I still sing Kumbaya every so often!
And where is the 'all-knowing' Jeremiah in this? Not a word about all this on his sad little blog...
what did the bean do wrong ?
what did the people that work there do wrong ?
who got killed ?
it was a traffic accident , if we close parts of the city for every fenderbender we will close down ..move on people and if you dont like there actions go somehere else .
Yeah Drue.
Did someone get killed?
If so who?
If we care so much what is the name of the dead person, their photo, the celebration of their life?
One post says someone died another says five injured. Talk about helping out the injured rather than bashing the store for opening.
I like The Bean. I think the store is a nice presence on that corner, far better than a chain, a bank. I still don't get why they would have to close. The people who work there late at night are not the same as the people who open in the early morning.
It's called RESPECT. It was NOT a 'fenderbender' People were injured, lives were changed. Stepping out of the business world for one day would not have put the Bean out of business. One simple day, one simple sign, some flowers.
It's obvious that the Bean lacks humanity, courtesy, respect.
Someone's hurting Lord, Kumbaya.
Someone's injured Lord, Kumbaya
Oh Lord, Kumbaya.
The total insentitvity and lack of human feeling shown by some of the people who posted show indeed the trouble with this city. Of course some of the above posters are just nasy cranks who need to spread their own peculiar brand of misery.
I speak as an older, life long resident of the neighborhood.
Ok to all the haters...
First of all the Bean opened late that morning. Second the employees that were working that night had the next 3 days off. and why would you be mad at the they have a choice in the matter, all they do is pick up a pay check.
Do you know how many people would love to have that I don't think they opened too soon.
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