[Via EVG reader Ann]
Several readers have noted this WTF situation on Avenue C near East Ninth Street in front of the Sunburnt Cow. In recents days someone basically smothered this tree well with about 500 pounds of cement...

... and people have taken notice, though it may be too late to save this 1-year-old tree...

I think the cement looks better than the 20 usual pieces of dog shit you find under most trees. If you have a dog please do not use trees for their toilet, and I don't give a fuck if you dog likes to shit and piss there.
kfbeau: seriously? kill a tree because some people don't pick up after their dogs; sounds reasonable.
if you have cement, please don't dump it on a tree.
dog doody is great fertilizer!!!
and ditto, why doesnt someone step up and take some ownership of their block and shovel it off??
First, you'll need a jackhammer. Then maybe later a shovel.
kfbeau: I don't give a fuck what you think :)
"dog doody is great fertilizer!!!"
Sorry, no it is not.
Many people would put flowers and other plants around trees and make a block look beautiful for everyone passing by to enjoy but due to some people's selfish "dog toilet" routine it's not possible. I know because I tried several times but regardless of what you plant someone will drag their dog through disregarding the effort.
This us one for that Shame guy on the tv local news....contact them. And 311. Make it official
as it wasn't spreat correctly and likely not mixed correctly either, it's probably pretty weak. why doesn't somebody in the area grab a sledge hammer or a heavy mallet and a chisel and try to put some cracks in it, then remove it piece by piece?
You all are avoiding the mystery of this event. It's much trouble to put cement there (if that's what it is), so why would anyone do it? Did they have leftover cement they needed to dump somewhere? Was it the over of the restaurant who felt the dirt interfered with their business?
We may never know the truth...
I was thinking the same, 12:51 (that it was leftover stuff some Einstein thought to put there).
haha Crazy Eddie, did you really just link to an uncited Yahoo Voices post by 'Steve C. at the Yahoo Contributing Network'??? you sure did.. credibility for the win!
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