[Photo via the MTA]
The two new L-train entrances on 14th Street at Avenue A — for Brooklyn-bound commuters — debuted last Monday. (First reported here.)
Starting today (Nov. 11), the MTA is closing the two Brooklyn-bound entrances on 14th Street at First Avenue. The MTA is replacing all of the structural beams and redoing the walls and tile — with a scheduled April 2020 completion date.
Workers have board up the entrances on the south side of 14th Street (h/t Pinch!)...
So here's what that means, via the L Project Newsletter:
• On weekdays between 5 a.m. and 9:45 p.m., use the new Avenue A south entrance for Brooklyn-bound service.
• On nights/weekends, use the First Avenue north for service in both directions.
Here are more details from the newsletter:
1) Other parts of the First Avenue Station improvements are also ahead of schedule, including the elevators.
The two new elevators, one on either side of 14th Street near Avenue A, were originally supposed to open in November 2020. Now, we're estimating a June 2020 completion.
2) The new Avenue A north (Manhattan-bound) entrance will open later, sometime in 2020. The First Avenue north side will close then, just like the south side entrances. We're phasing the entrance work so we can always have two entrances open at all times, one on either side of the tracks.
3) Street restoration is ahead of schedule, too. Originally, the street restoration wasn't supposed to be completed until May 2020. Now, most of it will be done by January. We'll be pouring new sidewalks and getting rid of or shrinking our worksites. Reduced barricaded areas will stay around the two elevators and on the north side of 14th Street by the Avenue B substation. All work will be underground except for the elevators and reconstructed entrances.
Preliminary work on the Avenue A entrances in July 2017.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Nightmare scenario for residents who learn that 14th Street and Avenue A will be the main staging area for the L-train reconstruction
Behold your new Avenue A L-train entrances!
Love some good news with my morning coffee.
"Now, we're estimating a June 2020 completion." Wow, only 3 years to put in stairs and an elevator!
Um, I hope the ave A station isn't final. I'd love to know if there's a reason the entrance/exit is so close to the crosswalk. Seems like poor planning. I was walking to cross 14th street on A & 14th, and nearly got mowed down by the herd of people quickly exiting the subway station. If you were waiting to cross the street, you'd possibly get stampeded as the exit is bout 3 feet from where one would wait to cross the street. Form and Function failure.
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