Alessandrini, who now lives in Paris, now has more photos of East Village murals circa early to mid 1990s... including...
East 11th Street...

...the Bowery...

... anyone say where this is...? (East 13th?)

... East 12th Street at Avenue A...

Check out all his photos here.
All images © G. Alessandrini
Jesus looks likes he should have a top hat in his empty hand.
The third photo is 8th st near C.
that's funny; I thought that third photo was in heaven:) nice!
12th & A: Is that really a mural?
Yes ! The 3rd image is indeed of 8th and C.....mid-nineties...
Reagrding 12th and A (near where I used to live / across from Mary Help of the Christians) was a Chico mural for a pest control not really a graffiti but definitly an EV's typical mural of that time...
There was a lot of heated opposition to the Mary Help of Christians mural by non-Catholics/Christians, and it was not up all that long before it was whitewashed away. He also painted, on the side of 189 Avenue A, a mural for Dave's Motors, a small old business that used to be where Vampire Freaks went it, and then a long-time mural for an animal rescue organization. I still remember the cute German shepherd and cat pics he adorned the wall with. Autre temps, autre mouers...
The third shot was on East Eighth, between B+C, an abandoned plumbing contractor's place that was adopted for a short while by neighborhood activists and called "The People's Warehouse." It was a cool space with a back yard, but there was no roof (burned in a long ago fire.)
On that site now is Donald Capoccia's luxury apartment building on land he was GIVEN by the city, including the Esperanza Garden on Seventh Street in the rear of The People's warehouse....
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