Just last week we learned that the new 12-story, mixed-used apartment building at East Houston and Avenue D will be known as The Adele.
And now, signs are up announcing The Adele's retail tenant…

Actually a Duane Reade will be needed on Avenue D… given that the Rite Aid between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street will likely close in the coming months to make way for another 12-story, mixed-used apartment building. Perhaps that retail space will yield a Duane Reade too.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Adele joins The Robyn in pop star-friendly East Village corridor
Report: New 12-story, mixed-use building in the works for Avenue D
Excellent. Now I won't have to walk all the way over to Avenue B and 2nd Street!
Ha! Paying all that money to live on Avenue ad above a Duane Reade. There's a new sucker arriving every minute.
First they said God was dead. I disagree, I think He is just taking an extended vacation. From us. Then they said Art was dead. Go ahead, name an artist, any artist. I'l bet that they are dead too.
Now Manhattan Retail is dead for all intent and purpose. Unless you're a publicy traded company, Starbucks, Chipotle, a Duane Reade or a Bank, theres no way you are getting into one of the new condo buildings with the nice big spaces, or a busy corner, or anything even a bodega used to be able to afford.
People are paying millions of dollars to live above a McDonald's or a CVS, with all the noise at night from the deliveries. My Grandparents lived in the Bronx above a Woolworth's, but they only paid $10 a month. Rupert Murdoch just paid $57 million for a 4 floor condo, and he basically lives over a McDonald's and a bar called Live Bait. But maybe his helicopter lands up on the roof so he doesn't have to see all the riff-raff down below.
There is no way these days for the Lilliputians to compete with the Giants. The Lilliputians will need a better idea. An Asian stock market crash maybe, or another recession, but President Obama has done way too good a job cleaning up Bush's mess for that to happen.
I'd say the jokes on us, but these days we are the punchline.
I remember the cuchifrito that used to be there fondly
I remember the Carvel that was there before the cuchifrito.
I remember when a swamp used to be there.
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