Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer in the city

East Village rooftops (and at least one hammock) via James and Karla Murray.


Legitimate Golf said...

Fantastic slice-of-life photo.

nygrump said...

I'm curious, are other people locked out of their roofs due to "insurance company demand"? or is my landlord just full of shit. being able to hang on the roof used to be one cool thing about city living...

Anonymous said...

Excellent image.

moe said...

To 11:40 above, a roof that does not have proper provision for use as a roof deck can not be used as one legally for a number of reasons. Perimeter fencing of specific minimum height is required for obvious reasons. The roof surface must also be designed properly, both to avoid slippage when wet and to avoid penetration of the roof membrane by say a high heeled shoe.
If the landlord allows use of a roof by tenants and it is not in compliance with code and someone is injured that is a lawsuit right there. In the event someone actually falls off that roof, you can imagine that is a very substantial lawsuit indeed. Both the landlord and his insurance provider have entirely legitimate reasons to be concerned about this.

blue glass said...

there have been a lot of problems with people on the roof. not just the weight of too many people, noise and stupidity. furniture, high heels, cigarette butts and garbage etc. damage the surface. folks don't always lock the door when they leave.
we are a long way from when folks just took a towel and a drink up to the roof and enjoyed the view and the air.

JAZ said...

Yeah, it sucks but I think if I were a landlord I'd be very reluctant to let it be used these days.

You can thank the Bro masters of the universe, the moneyed sons and daughters of Europe who never did an actual day of work in their lives, and the Carrie Bradshaw starter kits which hover around the first 2 groups for ruining yet one more thing for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

On a related note, to my disgust a gaggle of privilege young women piss drunk and traveling between bars from ave A to ave B decided to piss in the gutter in front of my house last night. I told them to go back to the bar they just left but they just laughed and dropped their pants and pissed anyway. This was at 10PM not the wee (no pun intended) hours of the night, I was too slow to get a photo of them otherwise you would get to see this event here.

Scooby said...

@5:47 - next time (hoping there won't be but let's be realistic) go out and spray them down with vinegar to get rid of them. They'll smell REAL attractive at the next bar... And then waste your time calling the cops and tell them -"The ones who did this smelled like vinegar and went to such-and-such bar"...

Anonymous said...

Only EVGrieve commenters could move a discussion from a cool photo to drunk girls pissing in the gutter.