We have! A few Sundays ago from atop the former nonprofit nursing home on Avenue B and East Fifth Street that Ben Shaoul bought and converted into high-end rentals. And we've heard grumbling from residents on East Fifth Street. (The Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation wasn't really known for rooftop parties.)
Meanwhile, an Avenue B resident shared this.
Has anyone else complained about Bloom 62? I was walking on the street Saturday night and there was music so loud on the roof ... I contacted 311 and the police allegedly “resolved” the issue, but it was still very noisy through the night. I can’t believe the neighbors around the building can tolerate it.
We actually didn’t eat at Lavagna that night because the music was so loud by the restaurant.
It was clear there was a pro DJ with very serious sound system on the roof.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Local politicians reach out to Ben Shaoul as re-sale of the Cabrini Nursing Center seems likely
More details on Cabrini's closing announcement
I would suggest that anyone and everyone that is within earshot of this building make a habit of contacting 311 with a noise complaint. This can be done online and there is actually a 311 app for the iPhone. I have the mis-fortune of having new frat bro neighbors which party in the outdoor space behind 530 E 13th street every other night. My 311 complaint got a reply that the "police fixed the problem" although the noise continued in the wee hours... I am not giving up and will make a complaint and build a history of complaints until something actually changes.
Patiently waiting for the 'well if you don't like noise, move out of the EV' crowd of commenting high fiving masters of the universe in their full on bro-ness.
A girl was attended to on east 5th street outside the building by an ambulance at approx 530pm. Very early to be passing out drunk
You people are squares # getalife
Anyone that is annoyed with the sound PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE complain! I live in the building and the noise is driving me crazy. We've complained to management several times and they say are trying to fix the problem and not allowing certain people to renew etc. Its a major disturbance to everyday life and I've had trouble sleeping almost everyday because my walls are literally shaking from the bass at all hours of the night, morning, afternoon, evening whatever. We've had people try and break into our private roof deck from the main party roof, people peeing outside our roof entrance, theres always beer cans, throwup in the hallway and its absolutely disgusting and annoying. I encourage everyone on the block to call the police, 311, anything..
Call 311 every time noise like this occurs. Write down the complaint number. Then file a complaint (anonymous is OK) with Community Board 3: http://www.nyc.gov/html/mancb3/html/home/home.shtml
CB3 will want to contact you. Take photos if possible, especially of car license plates.
This situation can be stopped, but only if you report this to CB3. CB3 will work with you. It helped rein in bars in my block.
Very important: You need to keep records of your complaints, including all complaint numbers that you report to Community Board 3.
Encourage your neighbors to do the same.
Then, everyone should attend any CB3 meetings to which you are invited to speak.
The more people complain, the more that can be accomplished.
Yup, I've been hearing it in my apartment on E 6th St, right by ConEd (Ave A). At first I wasn't sure where that awful noise was coming from, but I walked past this building while walking my dog a bit later and it became painfully clear... What a nightmare.
Maybe just maybe developers will figure out they lose more money from decent tenants wanting to break leases to get away from the chaos and to stop providing all night party spaces which make it hell for everyone in a three block radius.
I'm in the building/have a roof deck too. Maybe it's because I'm often out or a heavy sleeper, but I rarely hear roof action and have never felt my walls shake.
And it also depends - the college bros are the ones who leave their beer cans and play music beyond the point of reason. Overheard someone saying to their guests recently, "I dunno, someone usually just picks up the trash." Also heard there were arrests a few weekends ago during a birthday party (around 11:30pm on a Sat).
The older groups (ie 25-33ish) who play music, even the ones who bring in DJs seem to actually respect the space and their neighbors.
How anybody can live in a high-end rental building that displaced a former nursing home is mind boggling. Such bad karma. Shame on you. I don't feel at all sorry for anybody who lives in that building and is being bothered by noise. Start thinking about what you did to the former tenants of the nursing home by paying monthly rent to those that kicked them out.
We've been going through the same thing with 205 Ave A at 12th St. They renovated the building last winter adding rooftop deck and backyard patio. Icon Realty then posted ads- "Perfect for frat". We didn't get a frat, but partying tenants are just as loud. We contacted Susan Stetzer at CB3 and Dt. Hernandez in the community relations department at the 9th Precinct and he in turn has been in contact with Icon about issuing new guidelines for tenants. Neighbors on the block have been helping Hernandez with 311 calls, photos and videos. His number: 212 477 7805. Also have Senator Hoylman's attention and are keeping in touch with his office.
Oh boo hoo. The douches who contributed to the ousting of the former nursing home tenants by renting over-priced apartments in the renovated building are being bothered by noise. Suck it up, you narcissistic yunnies.
They are lining the pockets of those who kicked out former nursing home patients and are now complaining about being bothered by "noise"? Hahahaha! Somebody call whine-one-one!
i lived in my bldg on 2nd st/Ave A from 96-2013. We always had roof access and then a really nice deck. it was hardly ever used though because my bldg was filled w/true East Villagers, i.e: true city people who didn't feel the need to hold keggers every weekend. Then in about 2005, the bros started moving in and that's when the problems started. I am so happy to be out. That said I really wish someone would invent a working time machine. It would be great to go back to the EV when it wasn't horrible.
OMG its so much louder and more of a scene then when punk and drugs rocked the EV 20/ 30 years ago... gentrification is killing the EV
Sadly, one of the families who sold the building out from under Cabrini has a direct connection to Montefiore Medical Center - the Sol and Evelyn Henkind Eye Institute was named for them in 1992 and Sol died in 2001.
I'll confirm that 311 are useless. I have called and filed complaints online many times for Webster Hall blocking the public sidewalk on 11th st. This is a public street, not an area for their use - where their security guards actually will not let people walk along the sidewalk.
311 says it's a police issue, NYPD says it's a 311 issue. More of the trend of privatizing public space.
I live 1.5 blocks away and can hear the music in my apartment. If people in the park can't have events past a certain hour and over a certain decibel limit without a permit, why should douche bags be allowed to do it at all, and for free?
Thanks for the info dwg.
I left a message for Dt. Hernandez.
Do you have any contact info for Susan Stetzer at CB3?
According to Gossip Girl, the bros are living the life.
That "Oh yeah, like it wan't noisy when punks lived there" argument is TIRED. The punks and addicts were way better than the bros. Those who were there know this to be true. That's why people move to the EV for it's "outsider" history, which is now very funny, as there's absolutely nothing "outsider" about it anymore.
As for noise, calling 311 does NOTHING. The only way the noise in our building stopped was for the board to start fining the offenders. $500.00 per infraction.
I pine for the good old bad days when a few well pitched bricks would have sent these fratrats and sorostitutes running home to mommy and daddy!!! Say what you want about the junkies and crackheads, but at the very least they were considerate.
All these bros and sorostitutes and their apologistas stating that the EV was as loud then as now are completely ignorant. Also the Cabrini Nursing Home did not have roof parties, which the building that Ben Ghoul's Bllom 62 is having much to the chagrine of its residents and neighbors.
paddy523, Considerate? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
When this horror was first announced, did we not all know the carnage that would follow? Soon the hood will be known as Murray Hill South. This link is from 2011. It’s three times worse now.
"Anonymous said...
OMG its so much louder and more of a scene then when punk and drugs rocked the EV 20/ 30 years ago... gentrification is killing the EV"
The youngest will find this hard to believe but this was a very quiet neighborhood until about 2007. The bars were mostly dive or blue collar watering holes, even the Pyramid was orderly and you were not let in if you were shit face. We did not move in packs of 5-12 on the streets yelling, nobody wanted to bring that attention to themselves. Restaurants were places you would eat and then go home, or to a club not a theme like spectacle the way they are now. Being social was hanging out at each other's apartments or going dancing at clubs that often didn't have a liquor license. I moved away in the late 80's after several years and moved back in the late 90's and thought I had moved to the countryside it was so quiet. The college campus, animal house "culture" and all the noise is a very recent plaque for the EV.
wouldn't it be nice it tenants could get together and withhold rent - and the community board responded to the community AND perhaps had a noise committee so that the various types of noise complaints were not separated - and if our elected representatives looked at the horrible noise problems in CB#3 and worked with the police to, at the very least, reduce the problem while trying to solve it.
this is (was?) a residential community, but i guess not for long.
Around here, nobody would dare shut you up for making noise.
This needs to stop. My building on 7th got its first infestation of Entitled Douchebag Transplants (Hi Ellen) ten months ago and it's been awful. It's like having teenagers. The disrespect for other tenants and self-centeredness is staggering. They won't be renewed, but I'd be happier if they were run out of town on a rail.
The noise from the douchebag bros must be extremely annoying.
Also annoying is anyone who moves into a converted community nursing home, after their residents and staff were forced away, then complains about being inconvenienced.
Karma, you have a call on line one.
I live two doors down from Bloom 62, on E. 5th, and their parties are a complete nightmare. About a month ago there was a party with a LIVE BAND on the roof. I don't understand! Does the management have any controls whatsoever on this? I'm really asking-- residents of Bloom 62-- do they have any kind of security guard or oversight or is it a total free for all??! What shocks me is that when neighbors have a loud party inside their own apartment, there's a degree of subjectivity about volume-- you can understand how, at least theoretically, sometimes people don't know how loud is too loud. But a LIVE BAND on the roof? There's absolutely no scenario in which you can do that and not torment the entire neighborhood! It went on from around 6 p.m. til at least midnight! It was unreal. I felt so helpless. I called 311 twice, and so did my husband. No effect (other than me taking out my frustration on the somewhat dim-sounding 311 operator). People who live in that building, please, keep complaining to your management! Also, please post their contact info so the rest of us can complain to them. At least when the people in my own building are having a loud party (too often), I can bang on the door and make a scene, but I am totally helpless when the noise is coming from another building's roof. Agreed with all that the neighborhood is becoming Murray Hill South and it's horrible.
I think it's funny that someone characterized this building as "high end."
A few weeks ago a few of us complainted to the doorman at 62 Bloom, he told us that the management is sponsoring these rooftop parties for the tenants & their friends and they will be weekly events until it gets cool out. Many of us in the 'hood have called 311 & CB 3 with complaints. After a lot of compaints this past Saturday the 9th precinct called several of us and asked that we complain to 311 & to the new cabaret patrol at their phone number: 646-879-8748 The police said they are looking into this loud level of noise. BTW these idiots on that roof were shooting off very large fireworks on the 4th of July until 2:30 a.m. obviously they have no respect for their neighbors and the 'hood.
I live across the street from Bloom. Saturday the 1st the noise was all afternoon and all night. Earlier this summer I not only filed a noise complaint with the cops (a first in 20 years of living in NYC) but I walked over there and complained directly to the doorman or whoever was in charge of the party. The lobby was bedlam with a bunch of underage kids lolling around wasted and some stapled together guest lists splayed where the doorman should be. No doorman by the way. After I said my bit I walked back home. I noticed the back fire door on 5th Street was propped open. If you live in this building, please be aware that basically anybody can just walk in on these party nights...
Any way one could rent a helicopter to intermittently drop water bombs on Bloom 62?
That might scatter them.
Three comments up, are you really complaining about people shooting off fireworks on 4th of July..? Give me a break.
Also effective:
Notify the Public Advocate for NYC. I interned there and advocated on the behalf of people like yourselves with other city agencies that weren't doing their jobs.
(212) 669-7200
I highly recommend it.
"Give me a break." Joins the usual suspects of "Get a life", "Get a grip", etc.Funny, white Bros, children of privilege, violating major FDNY codes (and other laws for different issues, too many to list here) not a problem. Black guy selling single cigarettes in Staten Island? Kill him! Broken Windows, anyone?
Oh, I forgot. "Get a life". Still waiting for the "Move to...." comment. Rube alert.
When did the EV become a retirement community? I can't tell if I'm having a bad dream or if I've just woken up mysteriously in florida...again.
@ anon 5:01
If you're defending the bros living where Shaoul gleefully booted 300 senior citizens, then Florida seems about your speed, bro.
“When did the EV become a retirement community? I can't tell if I'm having a bad dream or if I've just woken up mysteriously in florida...again.”
Ah, basically the “move to” comment, not cleverly disguised, my day is complete. Defending Bro "culture" is defending the indefensible. Again.
I've been bartending in the neighborhood for 18 years. I am always amazed at how much attention these dingbats try to bring to themselves. Yes, we used to party hard in our day--and many of us still do, but we didn't go screaming and yelling up and down the street. 1) It never occurred to us because we were busy trying to impress each other with our bands/art/overall coolness and would never want to be mistaken for a run of the mill hick with no taste or internal life with nothing clever to say since we realized that we were mingling among some of the greatest contributors to modern culture; and, 2) We wouldn't want to draw attention to all of the drugs we were holding. To any young imbeciles reading right now, learn how to be slick and quiet about your debauchery. You party like you're at the jersey shore and it's embarrassing to see what you need to do to "let loose". Why don't you shut up a little and start talking to one another instead of drinking gallons of fireball, doing bad blow which you're totally getting ripped off on because it's laced with flintstones vitamins, and try to talk to one another and come up with schemes about how to make a real impact on the world. I get that you have meaningless, dull existences (that's not your fault). But you don't need to scream your faces off and try to date rape your neighbor in order to express yourselves. There are other ways. And they're more satisfying in the end. Give it a try.
"But you don't need to scream your faces off and try to date rape your neighbor in order to express yourselves. " HAHA.. well said.
Flintstones vitamins? Is that true?
I would use the online form for complaints. I just called 311 tonight (Sunday 8/10) because there is a party going on on that roof loud enough for me to hear it two blocks away, and the operator insisted on connecting me to 911 because it was a "party noise complaint." I told him it didn't seem like a 911 emergency but he was undeterred; the 911 operator was not amused and hung up on him immediately once she heard it was a noise complaint. He seemed baffled so I hung up and just did it online.
When we moved to the EV a year ago we looked at rentals in Bloom62. We immediately noticed that the 'luxury' apartments had no ovens and no baths. At that point I knew we would be the oldest people there (at age 31!) and left.
East Village today!
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