Unit has bright floor-to-ceiling fencing throughout. The hard floors and stainless steel finishes complete this great unit. Have a summer move-in with spring pricing! Call the leasing office today. Close to restaurants, shopping, subway. Students OK.
Sooooo. Thanks to EVG reader juan TRED for the description and photo... this thing arrived on East 14th Street near First Avenue last Friday. Probably some kind of construction storage thingy. Or is it? Anyone?
The word on the block is that the firehouse, Engine 5 (where this structure sits in front of), will be going through some renovations. Said structure will apparently be where the truck is parked (and other items stored, perhaps) in the interim.
Thanks, Pinch.
I was going to speculate that it's the new The Peter Stuyvesant post office branch...
There was a time when such a cage was never needed if a fire truck was parked outside.. those days are well over
Yeah if they park the fire Engine outside, the crusties will siphon off the diesel for their cooking needs.
When they closed a number of fire houses under Giuliani, engines were kept in these fenced in cages for lack of space inside. Some fire stations had these units outside for months.
Actually Grieve, I think you’ve got something there! Following the renovations of the firehouse, KEEP the structure and allow it to serve as an annex to the new Stuyvesant Post Office. This annex could be the location people go to pick up their packages by waiting single-file in a westerly direction along the south side of the sidewalk on 14th (NOTE: Once the line reached 2nd it would simply move south down the avenue and then as it reached Houston it would then head east where eventually it would head north up 1st Ave. where it would then wrap back around on 14th so that the last person in line would be directly in front of the first person in line). And in a PERFECT world to connect the annex to the new post office a Skywalk (glass please!) could be constructed. Problem solved!
Seriously, bro? Who would rent that? It would suck living there. All the cars and stuff, duh? Pass.
It's the new Mary Help of Christians.
Oh thats the pen Ray Kelly ordered. He has to regather all the Good News he let lose from pandoras box.
From this morning: http://i.imgur.com/msaCSz9.jpg
The cage is for Ladder 3 Truck from the firehouse on 13th Street. The company will be staying temporarily at Engine 5 on 14th Street while the floor at Ladder 3 is being repaired or replaced.
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