Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tonight, the city will honor the 30,000 New Yorkers who have died from COVID-19

Photo of the COVID-19 memorial on A and 10th from April 11. 

Tonight at 7:45, the city will pause to mark the one-year anniversary of the first reported COVID-19 fatality in New York City. As Gothamist reports, 30,031 people have died from COVID-19 in New York City — 25,147 deaths categorized by the city as confirmed, and 5,027 considered probable. 

The City has more on this evening's memorial event here.


Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace🙏💐🙏

Anonymous said...

Covid 19's patient zero in NY State is a resident who lives in the City of New Rochelle in the Hudson River Valley.

Jim Conboy said...

It saddened me this memorial was taken down and not giving the respect these 30,0000 souls deserve. Jim Conboy