Saturday, July 10, 2021

Police searching for suspect who they say assaulted a 70-year-old woman on 14th Street

Updated 7/13: Police arrested 37-year-old Michael Hensley, who was charged with assault. 

The NYPD is searching for the above suspect for an unprovoked attack on a 70-year-old woman on 14th Street near Second Avenue yesterday morning around 10:30. 

According to police sources and published reports, the man, "who was holding several bags and had a drink in his hand," said nothing as he struck the woman with an unknown object. 

The victim was said to suffer cuts and bruises.
Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online. All calls are strictly confidential.

It's LES Culture & Community Day on Avenue B

The LES Culture & Community Day is happening (today!) from 2-6 p.m. on Avenue B between Eighth Street and Ninth Street. 

A few details via the EVG inbox:
Organized with love by the Lower East Side Community Culture Council with FABnyc. An afternoon of art, performance, song, spoken word, and a neighborhood open photo album; activities for all ages.
Check out this link for details on the activities and a schedule of events. 

Hosted in collaboration with the Loisaida Open Streets Community Coalition.

Friday, July 9, 2021

'Psychic' hotline

The new record from the Brisbane, Australia-based indie-pop trio The Goon Sax is out today on Matador Records. (This is the band's third record overall, first for Matador.)

The video here is for "Psychic." 

Fatherly facts: Goon Sax frontman Louis Forster is the son of Robert Forster, co-founder of The Go-Betweens.

EVG Etc.: Cuomo extends street and sidewalk dining; Blondie recalls the 'Rapture' video

First Avenue between the downpours yesterday afternoon 

• The Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment issues its first report, a 162-page document that includes almost two dozen recommendations for the future (Official release) ... the one-page section on potentially creating 24-hour entertainment districts in the city has received the most attention (Crain's New York ... The Associated Press

• Gov. Cuomo says restaurants will be able to use sidewalks and streets for outdoor dining into mid-2022 (Gothamist

• More people are returning to NYC, and finding apartments is getting difficult (NBC New York

• ICYMI: Eric Adams wins the New York City Democratic mayoral primary (Reaction, analysis: City Limits ... The New Yorker ... Politico

• About Mark Levine, the likely next Manhattan Borough President (Gotham Gazette

• Rats are overwhelming the Baruch Houses on the Lower East Side (PIX11

• An address book from 1997 that belonged to Jeffrey Epstein was originally found on an East Village sidewalk (Insider

• The 40th anniversary of Blondie's "Rapture" video (The Post)

... and the free LES Community Music Fest set for East River Park this afternoon will now be at Nublu, 151 Avenue C between Ninth Street and 10th Street ... still free and from 3-7 p.m.

[Updated]: E-cyclist killed by speeding hit-and-run driver on East Houston at Avenue B

A 24-year-old man riding an e-bike was struck and killed in a hit-and-run collision last night on East Houston at the Clinton Street-Avenue B intersection. 

Police sources told ABC 7 that the e-cyclist, identified as Borkot Ullah, was hit while attempting to cross East Houston — from Clinton to Avenue B — around 11 p.m.

The black Subaru Outback was traveling eastbound. The driver did not stop and was later seen heading northbound on the FDR, ABC 7 reports.

Streetsblog reports that Ullah would be the 14th cyclist or e-bike rider killed so far this year.

In previous years, EVG readers have expressed concerns about this intersection.

Updated 1 p.m.

Here's part of the coverage from Gothamist that highlights how dangerous the streets have become thanks to reckless drivers...
The deadly incidents come amid a spike in fatalities on New York City streets. At least 131 people have died in crashes so far this year, the highest total to-date since Mayor Bill de Blasio took office in 2014.

City officials have attributed the growing death toll to a nationwide increase in reckless drivers, who took advantage of empty streets at the height of the pandemic, and have kept up the deadly habit.

An increase in hit-and-run incidents, however, dates back to before the pandemic. According to Transportation Alternatives, there were 36,000 hit-and-run incidents in 2013, compared to an average of 45,000 in the last three years.
Updated 5 p.m.

Streetsblog has surveillance video of the collision. 
A video from the scene showed clearly that the cyclist had the light and that the driver swerved around stopped traffic to run the red light and strike Ullah. After the crash, the driver is seen racing away at a high rate of speed as two cops in an unmarked police car — which was right behind the hit-and-run driver and might have been pursuing the driver before the crash — pulled over to check on the victim.
Streetsblog also has more about Ullah, who was a member of Desis Rising Up and Moving, an undocumented workers' rights group.

There is a GoFundMe campaign set up to help Borkot's family both here and in Bangladesh whom he supported financially through his food delivery work.
Top image via the Citizen app.

A memorial chalk out Sunday in honor of Hash Halper, aka New York Romantic

The family of Hash Halper is inviting his friends and followers to the New York Romantic Memorial Chalk Out in Washington Square Park on Sunday. The chalking will start at 9 a.m. 

Halper, known as New York Romantic, was the artist who helped beautify streets by drawing chalk hearts on the sidewalks around the East Village and other parts of the city. He died on June 11. According to published reports, he took his own life by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. He was 41.

It was estimated that Halper drew over 300,000 chalk hearts in downtown NYC since 2014. 

He told The New York Times in February 2018 that he draws the hearts "because he feels New York is losing its romance, with people holding phones instead of looking at each other." 

Halper got his heart start in 2014 while working at Kossar's Bagels & Bialys on Grand Street. "The reason I started drawing hearts all over the city is because I fell in love with a woman."

Despite his desire to spread positivity, he harbored his own struggles, his family told The New York Times in an article published on July 4.

He was recently preparing for a solo exhibition of his work. 
But, his family said, his paintings were destroyed during an altercation with someone who attacked him in his Lower East Side apartment. Rattled by the incident, he took to the streets and was seen two days later walking barefoot in SoHo.
"He didn't tell people that he was troubled because it was dissonant with his public persona," his brother Omkar Lewis said. "He was the heart guy, so he couldn't reveal his problems to the world, because he was the guy carrying other people's pain."

During Sunday's event, his family is also planning on raising awareness of mental health, homelessness and drug abuse.

If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255, text TALK to 741741 or visit

Details on the East Village Swap & Shop on Saturday

The organizers behind Nexus Flea are hosting an East Village Swap & Shop tomorrow. (Saturday!) 

They are billing this as a double event. You can find vendors selling vintage clothes, homemade jewelry, etc., outside 26 First Ave. at Second Street. And across the Avenue at 89 E. Second St., there's a clothing swap. 

Per the Instagram invite ... "How it works: bring clean, gently used clothing (women's or men's) you'd like to donate and take something in exchange from the swap table..." 

Anything left from the swap will be donated to the House of Good Deeds

Hours: noon to 6 p.m.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday's parting shot

In the rain today... with more rain expected overnight courtesy of tropical storm Elsa... photo by Derek Berg...

RIP Thomas McIntyre

Thomas McIntyre, known to friends as Irish, collapsed in the heat on June 30 and died. He was 55. 

His friend Saori Tsukada has posted a fundraising page to pay for his funeral expenses:
It was in the middle of the heatwave on June 30, 2021, Thomas McIntyre a.k.a IRISH was sitting on one of the porches on E 3rd street just like any other day when his heart failed. The ambulance was called and took him to Beth Israel but he did not come back. 
It was so sudden that it is still hard to comprehend that he is really gone. In the meantime, his surviving wife Lisa, is desperately trying to give Irish a proper funeral service in the neighborhood that he loved. I am one of the neighbors who had the opportunity to get to know him better over the years and I am helping to make that wish come true.
Find the GoFundMe link here

H/T Felton Davis  

5th Street tenants speak out against construction as harassment and lead exposure

Tenants in two buildings on Fifth Street spoke out last week against construction as harassment and potential lead exposure on the block between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. 

The residents from 216 E. Fifth St. and 236 E. Fifth St. were joined by the Cooper Square Committee and Lead Dust Free NYC Coalition as well as a handful of local elected officials. 

In a statement from the Cooper Square Committee:
Residents of both (pre-1960) buildings have reported work performed outside of the parameters of Local Law 1 of 2004, with disregard for tenant safety. Tenant complaints include work performed by contractors without proper EPA certification, without air scrubbers running or zip covers installed on doors, nor were other measures taken to control the dispersion of construction dust from units where demolition took place.
Public records show that the Sabet Group purchased No. 236 in early 2019. 

A member of the 236 E. 5th St. Tenants Association said that the landlord "has been engaged in ongoing demolition and renovation of over 15 units, without complying with the lead dust regulations of the Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) ... thereby exposing tenants to dangerous levels of lead." 

Meanwhile, No. 216 changed hands in a sale recorded last August, public records show. Tenants identified the landlord as NYU student Caspar Moll-von der Wettern. 

Members of the tenants association "recounted clouds of dust and debris circulating throughout the buildings, neglected repairs, unlawful solicitation of buy-out offers and unresponsive management." (There are numerous recent complaints on file with the DOB here.)

"These two buildings on East Fifth Street, just a stone's throw from one another, tell a story which will resonate for many tenants around this city: a continuous battle for their safety and security in the face of hazardous building renovations," Yonatan Tadele, a housing organizer at the Cooper Square Committee, said in a statement. 

The Lead Dust Free NYC Coalition released video highlights from the rally on June 30...

Evil Katsu bringing the sandos and sets to 9th Street

You may have noticed the recent arrival of the Evil Katsu signage at 435 E. Ninth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

This will be the first brick-and-mortar space for the quick-serve restaurant that offers various katsu sets, sandos (aka Japanese sandwiches) and sides. 

Three East Village residents — Asher Sendyk, Chris Wagenlander and Hai Oliveira — are behind Evil Katsu, which got its start late last year as a pop-up ghost kitchen providing takeout and delivery on the Lower East Side.

The three hospitality veterans found themselves out of work during the pandemic last year and decided to start their own business on a month-to-month lease with the hopes that it would catch on. (It did.)

You can read our interview with Sendyk from December right here. You can follow them on Instagram for opening updates.

Thanks to Steven for the photo and to Vinny & O for also sending along some pics.

Chinatown mainstay Dim Sum Go Go opening an East Village outpost

Looks like Michelin- and Zagat-rated Dim Sum Go Go is opening an outpost at 221 First Ave. between 13th Street and 14th Street. 

According to the @TradedNY account, the popular Dim Sum Go Go signed a lease late last month for the 1,600-square-foot space. This will be their second NYC location outside the 21-year-old flagship space at 5 E. Broadway in Chinatown. 

The First Avenue address was previously Punto Rojo, the reasonably priced bakery-restaurant that served traditional Colombian food here until late 2019. 

H/T Upper West Sider... photo by Steven

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wednesday's parting shot

A Citi Bike scene on Avenue A today via Derek Berg...

Details about an East Village Gallery Crawl tomorrow evening

East Village resident Scott Orr has organized a Gallery Crawl for tomorrow (July 8) evening from 6-9 featuring two small spaces: The Phatory on Ninth Street and EV Gallery on 11th Street. 

"I'm doing it because I love art and I love the neighborhood and these two fantastic galleries are in dire need of help right now," Orr said. "We're hoping the East Village Gallery Crawl will become a tradition and that it will be expanded to include others."

Here are more details via the EVG inbox...
Just two blocks apart, The Phatory at 618 E. Ninth Street and EV Gallery at 621 E. 11th St., both between Avenues B and C, will be featuring the work of two exciting and innovative artists. 
And if the travel burden becomes too much, Lucky on B, at 168 Avenue B, is exactly halfway between the two venues and will be offering drink specials all night and hosting an after-party for art lovers.
The Phatory is re-opening its show of the work of Korean-born artist Eung Ho Park while EV Gallery is featuring photographer Lane Diko.  

Organizers say the event is only for vaccinated residents. Masks are required inside the galleries. 

A lobby note on 7th Street

An EVG reader shared this note from a lobby in a building along Seventh Street... where a resident is asking neighbors about a missing delivery — an air conditioner. 

The resident added on to the original note, stating that the A/C was left in the vestibule. 

In answer to the question, Anyone know what happened to it? ... someone else wrote: 
Well, let's see... 
• A big box with the words "air conditioner" all over it 
• Visible from the street on a hot day 
-- Maybe aliens beamed it up?

Retail space on the market at 20 St. Mark's Place

A new retail-restaurant for lease banner hangs on 20 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

We've been wondering what might be happening with this landmarked building. Hard to believe that the Grassroots Tavern has been gone this long already, closing after service on New Year’s Eve 2017... ending a 42-year run in the lower space. The upstairs retail tenant, Sounds, shut down in October 2015.

As noted many times before, No. 20known as the Daniel LeRoy House, was built in 1832. It received landmark status in 1971 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Past lives of this subterranean space — via Daytonian in Manhattan — include a theater-saloon called Paul Falk's Tivoli Garden in the 1870s... in the 1930s, the Hungarian Cafe and Restaurant resided here before becoming a temperance saloon called the Growler.

After the Grassroots closed, Bob Precious tried to open a bar-pub here, but those plans never materialized after 18 months. 

Applicants for Ichibantei had been on the CB3-SLA agenda multiple times dating to November 2018 for a liquor license for a new restaurant in the former Sounds storefront. There was speculation that they were also taking the GR space.

And in recent years, we've seen some extensive gut renovations occurring inside the former Grassroots, where some pretty cool murals were uncovered from a previous business life. 

Meanwhile, the new retail listing for No. 20 isn't online just yet. 

Sale of 109 E. 9th St. made official

The five-story building at 109 E. Ninth St. that housed the now-closed Central Bar recently changed hands — as of June 28 — for $3.35 million, according to the @TradedNY account.

No. 109 between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue features 13 residential units and a retail space. 

The longtime owner was listed as a trust with a Los Angeles address. The name of the new owner has not hit public records just yet.

According to the New York Business Journal: "The property's current zoning allows for up to 15,000 buildable square feet and the possibility for future development or air rights sales."

The Central Bar, the bi-level sports bar-lounge, closed this past March. In a letter to patrons, the bar owners noted: "Our landlord has sold the building and the new owners will not be keeping us as tenants."

Some years back, the address was home to Pageant Book & Print Shop, and its storefront served as a location for Neil Simon's "Chapter Two" and Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters." 

You can now find Pageant Print Shop at 69 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

Fun City Tattoo expands on St. Mark's Place

Fun City Tattoo has expanded into the adjacent storefront at 94 St. Mark's Place here between Avenue A and First Avenue. (Thanks to Steven for the pic.) 

The business, which dates to the 1970s, arrived on St. Mark's Place in 1989... with Big Steve and Maxx Starr taking over as owners in July 2013. 

The empty space next to Fun City was previously O! Nigiri The Rice Ball Factory, which closed early on during the pandemic last year.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Storm damage: reports of trees and limbs down; Ace Bar's curbside structure collapses

The high winds from this evening's thunderstorm KO'd a tree outside 323 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B... coming to rest on a car in the process, as these photos from a longtime reader show...
Hard to tell from the pics, but it appears the car may have been spared serious damage... and no injuries. 

Meanwhile on Avenue B at Seventh Street (thanks @theenemieslist1!) ...
From 11th Street and Second Avenue (not 12th as ID'd on the tweet)... And on Fifth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B, the curbside structure outside Ace Bar flipped over... (thank you @tjack411) ... also no injuries reported here...
The FDNY helped stack up the remains of the structure...

A news box for The Shadow

There's a new news box with free copies of The Shadow — billed as the city's only underground newspaper — on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place (SW corner) ... 

EVG contributor Stacie Joy shared these photos from yesterday... the box contains the two most recent issues... 
"This is the first time we've put out a free box. We thought we'd give it a try and see how it goes," publisher Chris Flash told Stacie. "We hope that we can turn others on to publishing as well."

Look for another box coming soon to Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. 

The Shadow got its start in March 1989.

The Ottendorfer Library branch reopens today

The Ottendorfer Library reopens today at 135 Second Ave. between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street. 

This is the first time that Ottendorfer has been open since March 2020... and as of today, this location — as well the rest of the NYPL branches, including Tompkins Square — is offering nearly full service: general library use and seating, unlimited browsing, computer access and more. In-person programming and classes will return in the coming months. (Tompkins Square had been open just for grab-and-go service. Hamilton Fish Park Library on East Houston remains closed for renovations.)

Ottendorfer will also be featuring a new series of paintings from East Village-based artist, educator (and parent) EiLeen Doster that celebrates summer in the city. 

Hours: Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Masks are required for patrons at all NYPL branches.

City offering free grab-and-go meals to New Yorkers in need this summer

This summer, the Department of Education will continue to offer free grab-and-go meals to all New Yorkers. (The program started up again on June 28.) 

Per the Summer Meals website
• No registration, documentation or ID is required to receive a free breakfast or lunch
• Multiple meals can be picked up at once 
Breakfast and lunch service times are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (click links to view menus) 
• Vegetarian meals are available at all locations 
• All meals are grab and go, not to be consumed on-site

Local schools offering grab-and-go meals include:
• P.S. 20, 166 Essex St. at East Houston
• East Side Community School, 420 E. 12th St. between Avenue B and Avenue C
• The STAR Academy/P.S. 63, 121 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue
• P.S. 64, 600 E. Sixth St. at Avenue B

Visit this link for the full list of meal locations. This link has a map of all free meal programs in the city. 

The city launched the community-meal program in April 2020 during the early days of the pandemic. Gothamist reported that, to date, the DOE has distributed more than 130 million grab-and-go meals since then.

Previously on EV Grieve:

Classic University Place steakhouse Knickerbocker Bar & Grill is open once again

The Knickerbocker Bar & Grill returned to service on June 29 here on the southeast corner of Ninth Street and University Place. They are also offering, for the first time in its 44-year history, limited sidewalk seating.

The timeless NYC steakhouse had been closed since March 15, 2020. And there was some understandable concern that the Knickerbocker might not be returning. (For instance, there wasn't any messaging coming from the restaurant about the pandemic-related closure.)

However, as Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite reported at New York back in March, the restaurant would reopen in the coming weeks and — even better! — with a new 12-year lease.

Turns out that they needed a new exhaust system in the restaurant, a project that took place during part of the state-mandated shutdown.

During the pandemic, the Knickerbocker received a PPP loan and raised nearly $70,000 via a GoFundMe, whose contributors include nearby neighbor F. Murray Abraham (woo! "Mythic Quest"). They were also reportedly able to renegotiate a lease with the building's landlord. 

For now, the Knickerbocker is open Tuesday through Sunday from 5 to 11 p.m. The live jazz will return at a later date...       

Stuyvesant Gourmet Deli announces itself on the corner of Avenue A and 14th Street

Signage for the Stuyvesant Gourmet Deli has arrived at the southwest corner of 14th Street and Avenue A. (The flower vendor has been there now about a month.)

As noted previously, some of the gang from the old Stuyvesant Market on the southeast corner of 14th Street and Avenue A (RIP May 2010) will be behind the counter here.

The market takes over from Dion Cleaners, which closed in November after 35 years in business.

No word on an opening date. But probably soon.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday's parting shots

For whatever reason(s) the gates were locked to the main lawn in Tompkins Square Park on this holiday Monday... which forced people to jump the fence... photos by Derek Berg...

One of Amelia and Christo's red-tailed hawk offspring has died

One of Amelia and Christo's red-tailed hawk fledglings died last night. 

On Friday afternoon, the young hawk was spotted in a dazed state on a fire escape behind a building on Seventh Street. (Thank you to Lauren of 7th Street for sharing these photos.)

According to residents, the hawk "flapped clumsily out of a tree onto our fire escape. Clearly not well, damaged wing or leg?"
Rob Mastrianni of the NYC Urban Park Rangers transported the chick to the Wild Bird Fund on the Upper West Side for observation. There was blood in the hawk's mouth. However, as Goggla noted in her post today, an official cause of death has not been determined. The young hawk was said to have a spinal injury.

Amelia and Christo, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, had three chicks this spring. One died from unknown causes in May.

The surviving two fledglings had been quite active in recent weeks, learning to fly and hunt.

And this is not the first time that the resident red-tailed hawks have suffered the loss of their fledglings. In 2018 and 2019, at least one of the chicks died from rodenticide poisoning.

Signing off with part of Goggla's post:
[W]e've noticed several dead rats in Tompkins Square Park and in the surrounding neighborhood over the last couple of weeks. This is NOT normal and anyone finding a dead rat should report it to 311. If one is found within the park, please notify a park employee so they can dispose of it. We have concerns that with all the trash in and around the park the last several weeks, people could be using rodenticide. We currently have an outstanding inquiry with the Parks Department to confirm whether or not they are still employing nontoxic dry ice for rat control.

A mutual aid pop-up shop today in Tompkins Square Park

The Freedom Art Collective is hosting its monthly mutual aid pop-up in Tompkins Square Park today from 5 to 9:45 p.m. 

Sales from the art, clothing and jewelry will benefit East Village Mutual Aid as well as a BIPOC dad trying to secure safe housing for his three children. (Details here.)

The Village Voice said to be restarting a print edition

The Village Voice has hired Steven McKenna, the former CEO of Dan's Papers, to serve as the publication's chief revenue officer. 

According to Keith Kelly at the Post, with McKenna on board, the paper will launch a monthly print edition this fall with plans for an issue every other week in 2022. (The Voice next needs to hire an editor-in-chief.)

At the beginning of the year, the publication returned online with new ownership in Brian Calle, the chief executive of Street Media, the owner of LA Weekly. A quarterly print edition of the iconic paper was in circulation this spring. (I never did see one out in the wild.)

Previously...  the Voice website ceased publishing new content in August 2018 ... this after the final print edition in September 2017 — a 176-page commemorative issue with Bob Dylan on the cover. 

The paper first started in 1955 under founders Dan Wolf, Ed Fancher, John Wilcock and Norman Mailer.

Previously on EV Grieve:

From the EVG archives: Q-and-A with Lydia Lunch, underground legend, town crier

"Lydia Lunch: The War is Never Over" is currently playing at the IFC Center (and on various streaming platforms) ... Beth B's career-spanning documentary retrospective is enjoying a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes...
Back in 2013, before an appearance at the Bowery Electric and the Pyramid, EVG correspondent Stacie Joy spoke with the singer, writer, poet, No Wave icon ... and you can find that interview at this link ... and some photos from her appearance at the Pyramid here.

Monday's opening shots

July 5 from Tompkins Square Park...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday's parting shot

A red-tailed hawk on the cross atop Most Holy Redeemer on Third Street today ... thanks to Steven for the photo...

Reader report: Falling tree branch strikes man sitting in Tompkins Square Park

Earlier this evening, a tree branch fell in Tompkins Square Park and struck a man sitting on a bench at the Ninth Street and Avenue B entrance. 

An EVG reader shared the top photo and this narrative around 6:45: "People are helping him. He can walk. The branch is hanging precariously. It is still attached to the tree. A guy called 911." 

The FDNY arrived to remove the rest of the branch from the tree... EVG correspondent Steven took these photos...
According to witnesses, paramedics were treating the man, believed to be in his 60s, at the scene. Hopefully, he is OK...

Week in Grieview

Posts this past week included (with a photo by Derek Berg) ... 

• How you can help The Bowery Mission protect New Yorkers from summer heat (Monday

• A conversation with Lilly Dancyger, author of the East Village memoir 'Negative Space' (Thursday

• Help wanted: East Village restaurants look for staff, find few options (Tuesday

• At the 27th annual Drag March (Sunday

• A plant-based community fridge arrives outside Essex Market (Tuesday

• C&B debuts expanded space on 7th Street (Wedensday

• Days and Nights of Pride (Monday

• A red-tailed hawk rescue outside Whole Foods on East Houston (Wednesday)

• Report: Diner reviver Louis Skibar eyeing Odessa (Thursday

• The ridiculously narrow pedestrian passage at the NE corner of St. Mark's Place and 3rd Avenue (Tuesday

• A case of mistaken rat identity on the lawn in Tompkins Square Park (Wednesday)

• Doc Holliday's serves again on Avenue A (Monday)

• Community Board 3 returns to in-person meetings starting in July (Monday

• Openings: Toasted Deli on 9th Street (Monday

• Former Paper Daisy space for rent on St. Marks Place (Thursday)

Follow EVG on Instagram or Twitter for more frequent updates and pics.

Sonic Youth at Central Park, July 4, 1992 (redux)

A partial repost of an EVG item from July 4, 2008...
On July 4, 1992, I saw Sonic Youth at SummerStage in Central Park. Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Arkestra opened. I remember SY being as frenzied as I'd ever seen them as they played a Dirty-heavy set. (The record was just about to be released.) I don't remember much else, except that I loved every minute of the afternoon. 
Missing from the previous post — a video of the 66-minute set ...
 And the setlist from the Sonic Youth website... 

01. Teenage Riot 
02. Burning Spear 
03. Dirty Boots 
04. Drunken Butterfly 
05. Theresa's Sound-World 
06. Youth Against Fascism 
07. Swimsuit Issue 
08. Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit
09. 100% 
10. Kool Thing 
11. Sugar Kane 
12. Expressway to Yr Skull 

There's a bootleg of the show here.