[Photos via AC]
The 2 Bros. Pizza location on First Avenue near East 14th Street opened today... and let the $1 pizza wars begin...

Eater's Greg Morabito put it this way the other day: "But really, there should be no competition here: Vinny Vincenz serves one of Downtown Manhattan's best utilitarian slices. The regular $2.50 slice is easily three or four times better than one of those crummy pieces of wet cardboard served at 2 Bros., or at any of the other dollar slice joints in the area."
Agree. No comparison. Go Vinny's.
i must admit i bought two $1 slices at vinnny's yesterday just because of the two damn $1 pizza joints right by him.
and i guess i'll be going in there again to support him.
and don't forget the hot and crusty on the corner of 14th street.
how many is enough?
i feel bad for Vinny's I hope they survive the war
I rode by here the other day, couldn't believe what I was seeing. Fuck 2 bros, St Marks place is worse for their arrival a few years ago. I'm not a big pizza eater but I'm going out of my way to patronize Vinny's. There's also a 99c slice joint across 1st avenue as well as a Papa-Jon's a block south. WTF? "NY" and "pizza" used to be practically synonymous, now I'm afraid we are fast becoming one of the shittier pizza towns in the USA. FAIL as the kids would say.
There are now 5 places selling pizza within a block of Vinny's. A bit insane. Plus 2 Brothers has huge flood lights illuminating their huge sign and the sidewalk at night. Super blast of light pollution that does nothing but say, "look at me". Really neighborhood unfriendly.
@ dwg
I noticed the light... from Avenue C. Just kidding, but it is awfully BRIGHT
I always wanna go to Vinny Vincenz because it make me think of Vinnie Vincent Invasion. And now I'm definitely gonna go!
I was trying to remember how long ago it was when all pizza was basically the same price, and except for some oddball bad ideas like Sbarro's, fairly consistent. 10 years? 20? Wtf happened to pizza.
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