Monday, January 23, 2012

Celebrating Ray's 79th birthday with Justine Joli

Last night, a few friends and neighbors gathered at Ray's Candy Store on the eve of the proprietor's 79th birthday (it's officially on Wednesday).

As always, someone provided entertainment for Ray's birthday.

But first — the cake.

As for the entertainment, say hello to Justine Joli.

Anyway, the annual birthday cheer is always a boost to Ray's spirits, a brief break from the 24/7 grind of the store and reminder how much people appreciate him...

Thanks to Shawn Chittle for the photos.

And here are photos by Bob Arihood of previous Ray birthday celebrations... 2010 ... and 2009...


Marty Wombacher said...

Happy birthday to Ray! ånd hello Justine Joli! Great photos by Shawn!

Shawn said...

Thanks Marty! You're the best!

Melanie said...

Sorry I missed it but I was partying hardy myself!!Will drop by and hug Ray later. Glad you had fun!!!!!Bob's coverage is wonderful of partys past. Cool!!Love Ray and his friends.

Lindsay said...

Really great job on the photos! So wonderful to see Ray with such a big smile on his face. Happy Birthday, Ray!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, cute girl.

Jeremiah Moss said...

happy birthday Ray! such a great tradition.

Anonymous said...

Since she shows Ray (and us, thank you very much!)her coulo every year, is it fair to ask if she gives him something 'more' too?

Crazy Eddie said...

Ray who? Remember, it’s always the right time for an egg cream at Ray’s.

Bobby Williams said...

Nice shots Shawn! Also nice to see Ray happy. Bobby.

jdx said...

happy birfday, ray ! :D

Anonymous said...

gonorrhea sweat on the ice cream cones anybody?

Glenn Belverio said...

Awesome! I definitely missed the East Village party of the year.

Mr. Mister said...

@Anon at 5:55 PM:

Different girl every year, and Ray has a bad heart. He couldn't handle anything "more..."

We told her to keep it clean.

Hence, nipple tassles!