Earlier in the year, workers started replacing the floor-to-ceiling aluminum/windows at the landmarked 117 Second Ave. at East Seventh Street... at the time, we thought that all this might ruin (OK) the distinctive characteristics of the corner building
[2007, via Curbed]
But! Workers have removed the renovation wrap...
[Robert Miner]
And, well — actually looks pretty good, huh?

As previously noted, the restaurant space will be something called Picnic... which will reportedly be serving American comfort food like meatballs, sandwiches and macaroni and cheese. They are in soft-open mode ... and already garnered a 5-star review on Yelp.

And how the building looked a few years back ... circa 1979 and the Kiev.
[By Michael Sean Edwards]
Previously on EV Grieve:
Storefront renovation for 117 Second Ave.; last call for Song 7.2?
A Picnic for Second Avenue
Yeah, nothing suspect about that Yelp reviewer with knowledge of the owners and their other restaurants AT ALL. Heh.
I wonder if this Picnic is a newer iteration of the place by that name that used to be on University Place (where Casa Mono now is)? If so, I'd be pleased. That was a sweet little place.
Oops. I meant Irving Place, not University.
Isn't this building part of the East Village Historic District? Seems like an improvement to me but it seems like a bad precedent to let the owners get away with changes to a landmarked facade.
This is exactly the kind of "changes" historic building benefit from. The big aluminum windows hid the architectural integrity of this building, I am thrilled to see this happen.
For anybody who gives a flying fart, the scaffolding over 32/34 St. Marks Place has FINALLY started seeing workers doing the facade work... after being up for two years and being a magnet B&B for Crusties, Skaters and other assorted poops.
At the rate the work is going the scaffolding should be down about 2218
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