[Photo yesterday by Steven]
Crews have been busy the past two says putting up holiday lights on East Ninth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue…

[Photo today by MP]
And how do they look in action?

[Action photos via Steven]
As we understand it, Jason Corey, co-owner of The Immigrant, has helped organize getting the lights up the past few years along here…
Always love this block when the lights are up. I wish more streets in the EV could/would do this!
Very pretty! Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen. Ninth St. is always the best, photographically, at Xmas.
The lights are paid for by the shop owners of East Ninth Street. Jason has been our excellent point man for last year and this year, wrangling the funds together to get us ready on time to light up the holiday season. Please enjoy our beautiful lights and remember to support your EV local small businesses and mom and pop shops!
Does anyone know what the approximate cost would be to do this on another EV block?
Thank you to all involved for this annual treat.
@ Mike ... I'm sure that if you stop in and chat with any of the business owners on that block -- those who are part of the block business association -- they'd be glad to share information about that.
It would be lovely to see more lights around the neighborhood.
I remember back when EV blocks would have Xmas light competitions and try to get all the neighbors involved. That must been in the late 80s.
Living in the middle of an Avenue, I didn't get to participate.
That was great -- one of the first things I remember about winter in the EV!
How do they look? Illuminating! Waterproof! Heh.
Oh, so that's how they do it. I've lived on this block since 1969 and I never saw that before. I just assumed they did it with ladders.
East 4th b/w 2nd and Bowery usually does it.
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