EVG reader Karts shared this photo from Avenue A near East Ninth Street... the sign arrived yesterday...
"Muslims Must Wear Identity Jackets At All Times."
The sign also lists Trump as President of the United States and Chris Christie as Secretary of the Interior.
No word at the moment whose responsible for creating and hanging the signs...
Updated 5/17
The city (or someone) removed the sign... it was gone by late Monday afternoon...

11:30 p.m.
Ah, we missed this. One of the signs turned up on Orchard Street as well, per The Lo-Down.
Updated 5/18
The fake signs, which also originally included Trump-branded jackets, were hung up around the city, per this BuzzFeed post.
Very nice! What's up with the wooden thing attached to it though?
This is horrific on so many levels.
Wow what Media Hype...... Something the Zippies / Yippies would have done
I wish I could form a response to this.
I hope the FBI takes it down with care and dusts for finger prints.
Not funny. Not everyone will get the joke. Take it down.
wtf is the block of wood, it makes it looks crappy
It does seem a bit misguided and potentially alarming but also a poignant and timely political statement about the trump agenda.
Someone needs to let Rosie M. know what's happening around the hood
The block of wood needs to go! Otherwise, nice piece.
Agree not everyone will get the sarcasm, believe it or not there are people that are clueless to politics and never vote.
Trump agenda? Some Asshat liberass makes a bad joke. You people are retarded. I can't wait to see the faces of the feces when Trump is elected President.
Maybe we shouldn't cater to the ignorant.
I think it's important that we continue to try and subvert the message. We are constantly bombarded by advertising, propaganda, media manipulation, government rhetoric in public spaces. It is a one-sided dialogue. When people respond in this kind of fashion it makes me feel a little better about the world. That people in the East Village 2016 are responding to a little bit of agitprop with such alarm doesn't surprise me though.
What? That's political art! I applaud it.
Fuck Trump. He can kiss my muslim ass.
The real criminal here was the person who has no regard for public property and posts signs.
Criminal, no regard for public property? It's a metal sign post, and it wasn't damaged or even defaced. If you oppose the sign's message and support Trump I'l respect that, but to characterize this as some kind of criminal vandalization is a very pitiful reaction.
Anyone who takes exception to this doesn't know anything at all about where they are living. It is the East Village, it has a history of this kind of thing going back some 200 years or more! It isn't going to change because you bought a million dollar condo here and have your thousand dollar purse pooch mingle with the pit bulls at the dog run! Get used to it.
If Trump becomes president, I will leave this country for good. F him!
They were all over the city! Here's a buzzfeed article about it https://www.buzzfeed.com/jackgreen/new-york-artists-give-us-a-glimpse-into-the-haunti-2d8qe
It looks like the wood block was for jackets - here's an article that shows all the areas they hit
Likes for anonymous!
My friend and I did these. Thanks all for the love. And to those who want us arrested!
Just heard on ABC-7 News that the NYPD has a task force investigating these as a hate crime. So, Anon 11:20, if you really made these signs (and I'm skeptical, you could be anyone), prepare to defend your artistic expression.
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