[The other day]
As mentioned the other day, some residents spotted a rabbit loose in the air shaft behind some buildings on East First Street and East Second Street.
Anyway! Good news: Some residents were able to rescue the rabbit ...

... but the rabbit needs a permanent home...

Thank you to everyone who offered to take in the bunny, who now has a new home and friend...

Grieve, I just e'd you, I have a friend (long-time rabbit owner and rescuer) who seriously wants Airshaft Bunny. S/he will have a good, loving home with lots of Timothy hay and kale and bananas and whatever else it is that bunnies eat! Have whoever contact me, I left you my phone # and real name (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Petco has an entire section for bunny rescue. I would think contacting them would make sense. (212) 358-0692
THANK YOU BUNNY RESCUERS! You are good people <3
I call my kittens bunny rabbits, so I would name this bunny Kitty. :D
This is wonderful! The rescuers are lovely human beings - and it looks like the lucky bunny already might have a new home!!!
It could be someone's missing pet? Why put it up for adoption when its owners may be looking for it?
Are bunny's air rights still available?
Just FYI to those who are concerned; the friend I mentioned in my first post in this thread as wanting the rabbit is the @missy kresse who posted above. The wheels are in motion; turning slowly, but hopefully I will have a positive resolution to report at some point soon, that Airshaft Bunny will have taken up residence in a large carpeted cage in Queens where s/he will be pampered on a daily basis. Fingers crossed!
Do NOT take this rabbit to Petco and certainly NOT to NYC Animal Care & Control. Much better if someone like Gojira's friend (who is experienced with rabbits) can take this little one, as bunnies need someone who knows all about their care! Rabbits are not a "starter" pet...
And of course, I am left wondering how this sweet little thing got "lost" in the first place - would think an owner might have put up signs by now.
No, but it has plenty of hare rights.
This reminds me of the conversation between the hobbits and Gloum in the Lords of the Rings flick
@11:52 stole my line!
Oh, SNAP! Great pun!
Please let us know if missy moo gets it!!! Sounds like bunny will have a great home.
Update-- I was part of the initial rabbit rescue team. The foster mom delivered the rabbit today to a very loving EV Grieve reader with a lot of rabbit experience. It is very safe and happy.
Bring me my hassenpfeffer!
Did anyone claim the lost cat with the white face EV posted on here a few weeks ago yet?
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