Thursday, March 6, 2014

Oh, that laundro-cafe concept really happened on East 1st Street

Dang, been meaning to point this out... remember the laundro-cafe concept for 44 E. First St. between Second Avenue and First Avenue that we first wrote about in February 2013?

CB3 wasn't crazy about the idea, and... well, long story — but The Wash House is a reality.

Lady Grand first reported that the space opened for business last Thursday. She filed a report for BoweryBoogie here, who noted: "you can drop your shit in the back, and they clean it with '100% organic detergent,' all while you sip suds."

[Photo by Lady Grand]

Here is their official About via Facebook:

Grab a glass of beer or wine or even a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich while hanging out with friends and getting your laundry done...

So... anyone try out The Wash House yet?

Previously on EV Grieve:
A 'laundry bistro' in the works for East First Street


Anonymous said...

at least it's different.

Anonymous said...

Can all the coffee people drink today really be good for them?

IzF said...

If they let me bring my dog in I'm there.

Anonymous said...

There was one of these in the West Village back in the 90's. Or 80s.

Mr. Mister said...

Bar/laundromat combos are common in New Orleans. (Any excuse to drink!).

Good way to pass the time.

Typically not as fancy shmancy as this one looks. More jukeboxes and pool tables and such, but we'll see.

One probably shouldn't need an artisan cocktail with hand-shaved ice while you're folding your unmentionables. Beer and wine could do, though.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know more about the graffiti (face) on the gate? I see them around the Noho area often, and have spotted a few in Tribeca as well.

Wax said...

I like the concept. The place looks pretty neat.

I'd do my laundry there if only I lived closer.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, if their laundry prices are competitive, why not? I already go to a place with free wifi. Add beer to the mix and it sounds even better.

Anonymous said...

That graffiti face has been showing up a lot recently. Anyone else notice that there has been a huge increase in graffiti this winter?