[Random flat tire photo from the Internet]
From the EVG reader mailbag:
What happened to all the auto tire repair/flats fixed places? Are there any left? I need a tire repaired.
Let's see. Downtown Auto & Tire left the Bowery two years ago. The BP station on Second Avenue is gone now.
Um. I thought there was one on East Houston between Clinton and Attorney. Nope! The Mobil station on East Houston and Avenue C? Nope! No tire service.
So anyone know where you get a flat tire fixed around here? Seemed as if there were several around here not that long ago...
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Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader mailbag: Places to eat that have that old East Village vibe (45 comments)
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Reader mailbag: Where is a good place to get a cup of coffee in the East Village before 6 a.m.? (25 comments)
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Ive gotten a flat fixed at the Mobil (?) station on 2nd Street & Avenue C. The service as cheap & fast and since it was a front tire they switched it out with one of the rear tires. Its been a while and the tire is still fine.
I haven't been by in a while, but there was a place on the west side of Allen St, just south of Delancey.
That's what you get for driving these evil environmental nuisances. You wouldn't be worrying about getting a flat tire with the all powerful and unflat-tireable viable mode of transportation. And in the very exceptional case that you get a flat-tire (maybe some car worshiping and pedestrian slashed its tires, but never because from wear and tear) from these greenwashing blue machines, the valet will will fix it for you, except in the rain. As for the question in this post, let them all get flat tires. No one needs them. CitiBike FTW and forever and ever amen.
If you can make it that far there's a flat fix place on the west side of Allen just below Delancey.
When we had a car (what a pain in the ass), we had AAA. It's cheap and good.
get a replacement tire and e-mail me at my (go-to throwaway e-mail) st.marksplace123@gmail.com and I'll jack it for you for free sometime today/tomorrow?
Always happy to help somebody in the hood.
Try Ludlow Garage on Attorney St, great service.
I've been going to Ludlow garage for all kinds of repairs for years, great guys and great service at a fair price.
There are a couple of mom-and-pop repair shops around E. Houston and Attorney. One is on Attorney between Houston and Stanton, and another one is on the south side of Houston between Clinton and Attorney. These small shops are low tech and aren't easily found on the internet
MObil on Houston & C fixes tires but I haven't been there since the issue with taxes. I believe there's also a place across Houston from the Mobil that fixes tires.
Thanks for the suggestions!
The place on Houston between Clinton and Attorney is no longer there....
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