Hawk shenanigans

[Photo by Goggla]
Saving Jerry's Newsstand
[Photo by Jeremiah Moss]
Rabbit season at the Death Star

So long 7A

At Hanksy's 'Surplus Candy' art show in an abandoned East Village tenement

Polar vortex!

[Photo by Rob & Mike]
In the fog

[Photo by Grant Shaffer]
A makeshift memorial on 2nd Avenue for those who died during the uprising in Ukraine

[Photo by Dan Efram]
So long Peter Stuyvesant Post Office branch

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

[Photo by Gudrun Georges]

Hey, it's winter

[Photo by Derek Berg]
The Blarney Cove sign is down! The Blarney Cove sign is down!


[Second Avenue and East 13th Street by Grant Shaffer]
Car slams into Saifee Hardware

[Photo by @wlodarczyk]
The "Heroines of the Lower East Side"

Sunset now

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

[Photo by William Klayer]
Citi Bike bath
[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Dave from 2nd Ave.]

[East 14th Street photo by Pinch]
In the rain

[Photo by Michael Sean Edwards]
East Houston pipe break action

[Photo by @maraaltman]
When lightning strikes

[Photo by James and Karla Murray]
Giuseppi Logan, now with a flute

Murder suspect arrested

[Photo by Frank Franca]
Mother's Day on Avenue A

[Photo by Jeremiah Moss]
An evening with Alan Cumming at Theatre 80

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
Another 'riot' in Tompkins Square Park, this time for the cameras

[Photo by Michael Donovan]

[Photo by Rob and Mike]
Hello and goodbye to the Cadillac with the Tiger in it

Those baby hawks

[Photo by Francois Portmann]
And subsequent baby hawk rescue

[Photo by Bobby Williams]
At the annual NYC Drag March

[Photo by editrrix]
An East Seventh Street street scene

[Photo Derek Berg]
Thanks, Grieve, for another year of hard work keeping us all informed, and also for the memories (altho looking at the drag march photo, I guess that could be thanks for the mammaries...) Happy New Year to one and all!
Hawk to Squirrel: You're three months behind on your rent!
nice photo wrap up of 2014, EVG!
Agree that July to December didnt happen. Worm holes, black holes, collective amnesia, time travel, mid-century blues
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