The FDNY continues to battle a massive warehouse fire at 5 N. 11th St. (at Kent Avenue), home of CitiStorage, a record storage facility, in Williamsburg.
EVG reader Daniel Root shared several photos from how the fire looks from East River Park…

… and via Dave on 7th…

… and the aerial view that's making the rounds on Twitter…
Just landed at LaGuardia. Here's the Brooklyn fire from the air. Smoke trails forever pic.twitter.com/NOjGjOWkZn
— Gary He (@garyhe) January 31, 2015
Here are photos of the fireboat via EV Resident Rob…

the cloud reminds me of nine eleven.
inside job?
God bless the FDNY. Hope they all stay safe in this nightmare scenario.
Oh, that's what it was! I was in Williamsburg earlier today, and thought I either smelled an electrical fire, or someone had more than one fireplace going!
Thanks for clearing that up!
Oh gosh, look at that, it seems like a perfect place for waterfront condos !
Hipsters will do anythng for attention.
Fuck those FDNY union employees, those socialist scumbags with their union contracts and their generous retirement benefits.
Your move, Teabagger.
Guess those sprinklers didn't quite do the job... what were they records were they storing, and what were they soaked in. :/
I bet it was an inside job…
Organized labor, i.e. union. is no different than the organized mob, i.e mafia. Union is no different than the frat boy hive mentality that you despise.
Maybe union had its significance back then when it was about improving working conditions, and pay and benefits for millions of American workers. But today union is where one can retire early for doing minimal work while collecting disability even if one is not disabled.
This is why American companies started to outsource their workers and companies because unions drive the prices of the products they manufacture insane.
And if you ever want to stalk and assault your coworker because she won't date you but still keep your job just like Salvatore Sparacino, join a union.
-- Not a Teabagger and your original scumbag counterpart
Set by the nuclear pyros
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