The transformation of Idle Hands to Matty's looks nearly complete at 25 Avenue B… someone painted the Matty's name on the space between East Second Street and East Third Street over the weekend. The bar officially opened on Dec. 12.

The owners ran a gay bar in Wilton Manors, Fla., called Matty's on the Drive that closed in late 2012 following a year-long legal case.
Here's a description of the place via Facebook:
Matty's NYC is the sister bar to the famed Matty's on the Drive in Wilton Manors, FL. Matty's on the Drive opened four years ago and has won awards including Best New Bar, Best Gay Bar, Best Signature Martini, and Best Neighborhood Bar to name a few. Matty's NYC will follow in it's sisters footsteps bringing the hottest music and videos, a friendly staff, and a clean, modern, upscale bar & lounge that everyone can enjoy 7 days a week!
Matty's recently unveiled a college night…

Some neighbors still want to know how this one slipped by CB3. Matty's was on last month's CB3/SLA agenda, though it wasn't heard before the committee. It was billed as a Corporate Change with 100 percent turnover in the corporate partners … and with operators from out of state without any track record of running a bar in NYC.
Thanks to @Salim for the top photos!
Previously on EV Grieve:
A bar called Matty's in the works for Idle Hands on Avenue B
I suggest set 911 to speed dial. "mason jars" thanks for the laugh.
And to think it could have been The Cock.
$5 College night? arent 75% of college kids under 21?
Can't wait to see what "full service restaurant" actually means.
Careful what you wish for CB3
CB3 has to stop with this crap. This was not a corporate change. It was a new license subject to a 500 ft Hearing! This is not the first time CB3 has kept things off the agenda claiming corp change /restructuring and drafting stips without public review.
These backeoom deals have to stop. The CB3 SLA Committee needs new leadership. The DM Susan Stetzer needs to go. MBP Gale Brewer has been a disappointment--has not made an effort to clean up one of the most corrupt, incompetent boards in NY!
Neighbors this will be a nightmare! Surely CB3 didn't stipulate live music? Doubtful that Matty's has a cabaret license.
You've got to be fucking kidding me? I like the idea of a gay bar because it keeps the bro douches away but this is being billed like a fucking megaclub. How do they get away with this? CB3 WHERE ARE YOU?
I wish they would go full-on Florida strip-shopping-center gay bar stereo-type, just for fun: beige linoleum and gray Formica, bartenders with bad highlights and jean shorts, free 2006 Disney Gay Days souvenir fanny-pack giveaways. Why settle for mediocrity (ex. Stairs on E. 2nd) when you can go bad or go home?
It did not need to be heard at the SLA committee. It is a corporate change in name and owners, but they are not changing the method of operation. This is not a CB3 Policy, but a State Liquor Authority policy. If they change the method of operation from what the Idle Hands/Billy Hurricanes was approved for, that is when CB3 can do something about it. The reason the COCK had to be approved was that they were proposing to change the method of operation.
They should have kept the name "Idle Hands", which is a way cooler name for a gay bar than something that sounds like the five next to SeƱor Frig's in San Juan. Otherwise, all the old people bitching above should really move to the suburbs at this point. The day's many pine for in the neighborhood were much rowdier than they are today with the addition of a gay bar.
The SLA doesn't care what you think. And there are plenty of gay bro types.
Also, that's a crappy-looking sign.
How do you know it's a gay bar, it doesn't say it anywhere on the poster????
I know 5:57 PM!
How can ANYONE tell it's a gay bar??????
Anonymous "it did not need to heard" you are so misinformed! A corporate change is not a change in owners and name--that is a new license! A corporate change is when the corporation is purchased (including the potential for liability) but officers change, allowing for a dba change. This is an entirely new corporation! CB3 sucks and is so corrupt...Give them hell for the hell matty's will be.;
Wait, what's a "video bar"???
If it's what I think it is, the EV is edgy again!
@ Anon 5:57- I have never in all my years seen a "straight" advertise anything with a flyer/poster like that.Plus look at how their Fl. location is billed. Hmmmm...
I guess you have never seen those fire fighter calendars? Of course its a gay bar I just thought it was strange that in 2015 they dodged that word.
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