Sunday, January 25, 2015

Critters in Tompkins Square Park hoarding sandwiches ahead of epic winter storm

Unless you have a better explanation!

Photo this afternoon by Bobby Williams


Richard said...

It's like they know by some mystical power that nature's fury is approaching. Uncanny!

My favorite is still the time I saw a squirrel dragging a massive slice of pizza up a tree in Washington Square Park, holding the crust side in its mouth. I only wish I could have gotten that photo.


Notice they're not hoarding biscuits...

Anonymous said...

The squirrels were probably just having a party after they found out that cops had caught that coyote up on 14th St in StuyTown, just one less thing for them to worry about before the big snow.

Anonymous said...

That's probably soy butter - even squirrels have been developing nut allergies.