Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A sign of spring, sort of

EVG reader Pinch spotted the second-story facade that flips open like a garage door, uh, open today at 224 E. 14th St. near Third Avenue. We've actually never seen the retractable wall open before (ditto for Pinch).


matt said...

Similarly, I have seen advertisements for a fold out balcony like below.


Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

Q. My second story facade opens by itself. Is this possible? What could be the cause of this and what is the solution?

A. Oops! You may have misalignment of the photoelectric reversal system or a power surge may have damaged the electrical circuits of your second story facade opener.

If I were you, I'd wait a few seconds before leaving the apartment to make sure that the second story facade is completely closed and that none of your security mechanisms have triggered it to reopen.

Anonymous said...

Didn't get out of the way fast enough once and got my testicles caught in there. As you can imagine it wasn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

It's for easier landing of my petite spacecraft.