There are a number of online fundraisers underway for residents who lost their homes in the explosion and subsequent fire at 121 Second Ave.
We received some of those links... however, DNAinfo has the most comprehensive list that we've seen to date. You can find that information here.
I am really astounded not only by the amounts on these personal requests but also that most are well on their way to meeting or surpassing their targets. There was a common theme in a lot of these write-ups - no insurance. Insurance isn't something that just happens. You make an active decision not to have it. You take a risk. I don't feel great about rewarding people for not taking the proper precautions, particularly when these donated funds could help hundreds of people with a lot less resources.
Is there an updated and comprehensive list of places accepting clothing donations?
@8:44pm... very true, renters insurance is relatively inexpensive and I can guarantee there are people now double dipping: people who have insurance but figure they will take a slice of free money... and eventually some will be found to be scams [people who don't live in any of the affected buildings]
Not only are some of the amounts high, once they meet it they then make it higher; meanwhile one of the deceased victims doesn't even have a GoFundMe yet.
What will be important is protecting tenants rights as far as Rent Control/Stabilization IF the same owners build on the same site... not even sure if thats even possible
Double dipping? Give it a break Hooker. I can guarantee you that most people do not have renters insurance, and even when you do ts not enough to start all over again whe you've lost everything. Plus hese people will never find an affordable apartment in the EV again. Look at what happened duing Sandy, even homeowners who had the maximum insurance available could not afford to rebuild, and store owers never made up for the losses.
All of these rent stabilized apatments are gone forever, the best we can hope for is a percentage of affordable apartments in a market rate building with a lottery and income guidelienes to decide who gets them in 2020 or whenever the site is finally rebuilt.
The more important issue now is getting these people back on their feet, and also stopping EV slumlords from diverting gas and creating other dangerous conditions.
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