Friday night #eastvillage @evgrieve
— EventPhotosNYC (@Eventphotosnyc) March 28, 2015
The photo has been making the rounds, here and abroad. Now The Onion takes to the streets for some thoughts on the issue…

Says Pam Coyle, Groupon Purchaser: "It’s unfair to condemn those people before seeing how the pictures turned out."
That's always been my favorite part of The Onion. I'd say they got it right too!
Well, that was dumb.
Hey James Finch, I wasn't offended, I was (and stil am outraged) - so were alot of other people.
These heartless bitches have a right to be that with their crass selfie, I have a right to say they're fucked up for taking it.
It's as if no one can ever be outraged in this country anymore, we're all just "offended". This is a millenial thing. All their lives they've run their mouths without retribution and are shocked when you don't call them out, or they think they've offended you when they've merely prompted you to tell them what asses they are. They can't grasp that they're idiots.
Um... 6:07, "James Finch" is a made-up persona created by The Onion. Right on though with what you had to say.
Anon. 6:07, "James Finch" is a pseudonym; he is not a real person, this is not a real quote, and the Onion is a satiric newspaper. I understand how furious you are - believe me, had I seen that photo shoot happening one of those girls would have walked away with the selfie stick wrapped around her neck - but I have no doubt the folks at the Onion were as disgusted as you; they just use subtlety to convey their disdain.
While walking to pick up my contacts on Thursday I noticed that there wasn't a smile in the Village. We all looked like we were at a funeral (this was before we found out that two - plus so many kitties - had died). Stunned and speechless. How these brain-dead idiots managed a smile for that stupid selfie is beyond me. Narcissistic sociopaths.
Baby Boomers outraged (unless it makes them a buck). Surprise of the century.
The Onion, dead-on as usual, is making fun of the rush to judgement from two of the usual rush-to-judgement sources: the NY Post and the Daily Mail, both cesspools that routinely stir up the nonexistent or close to it.
Usually racist, homophobic, wing-nut authoritarian...shit, if Nicholas Figueroa or Moises Lucon had been gunned down by the NYPD, the Post would be jumping through hoops to justify it. In fact, I'm surprised the Post hasn't yet found a way to connect the explosion to some invented fault of DeBlasio.
You know what, folks? EVERYBODY THERE was taking selfies. Just look at the pics and videos floating around.
So a few young people get caught in a moment of bad thinking (as opposed to the hundreds more so far uncaught and unpilloried). Big deal. Do we keep calm and carry on? Roll our eyes and get to work. Do we forgive this minor indiscretion, overlook a youthful but ultimately harmless error, understanding that in our lives, we've all done worse? Often?
UNPOSSIBLE! We're SOOOOOO offended!!! We HATE THEM! Drag them out and stone them in a display of sanctimonious viciousness that is far worse than the anything they did. I especially appreciate the excuse-to-misogyny tirades, filled with "bitches" and "sluts" and worse.
We hypocritically poor out onto the streets for some unfortunate SOB to whom most of these judgmental, self-righteous assholes wouldn't have given a tip five days ago.
I just hope these stridently unaware droolers aren't really from the EV, or even NYC.
Stupid, stupid girls. They should come forward and make a formal apology.
Stridently unaware droolers ... from whence does this attitude spring; that the denizens of the EV or "New Yorkers" are the most urbane, upstanding specimens of humanity on the planet? It's always the knuckle dragging flyover country bumpkin or the parvenu interloper that threatens to sully our squeaky little holier-than-thou bubble, isn't it? Outside of NYC, that's usually referred to as blood and soil conservatism. No bigotry in that, no, none at all. But just remember kids, everybody does it. Lie, cheat, steal. Everybody does it. It's not an excuse, it's a way of life.
They are dancing on the graves of our community. Gentrification in a nutshell
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