[Reader-submitted photo]
NBC 4 has more on the recent burglaries in seven East Village buildings...
One woman said she came home on a Saturday to an open bedroom window before she realized her laptop was gone. A man who lives in a building on East 3rd Street said he went to sleep, only to find his laptop, mohair jacket and iPhone gone.
Police say a man entered an apartment inside a building on East 4th Street around 12:30. When one of the residents discovered him in their roommate's bedroom, he claimed to have been doing electical work. Moments later, the unknown man disappeared — along with a television, laptop and Amazon Fire stick.
"It's nuts because this is a nice neighborhood," said resident Ruben Reyes.
The NBC report does not provide any description of the suspect. Or how a man disappeared carrying a TV and laptop.
There will be a multi-block association meeting with the 9th Precinct on April 12 at 6:30 p.m. Location still TBD.
A reader (see the comments) created a map showing the locations of the burglaries...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A report of 7 burglaries in the past month in these 6 East Village buildings
I have a request: Stop leaving your doors and windows unlocked, and stop saying how safe this neighborhood is after you get roobed. Every time there's a story like this, someone is quoted saying what a nice safe neighborhood this is. Are they interviewing tourists?
Even when there is a murder in Harlem or the South Bronx or Bed Stuy, there's someone saying how that kind of thing never happens in their nice safe neighborhoods.
StuyTown gets this same reaction. StuyTown has a lot more violent crime that it should given the size of their security force, flashy looking vehicles and number of cameras. In spite of all the extra security, a young woman was raped and almost murdered in her unattended StuyTown lobby a few weeks ago. And there have been way too many attacks and robberies in those unattended lobbies. Safe? Not if security doend see you in their monitor and immediatley respond.
A few years ago there was a burglar getting into people's apartments through the front door because the tenants thought it was safe to leave their front doors unlocked. One person came home to find a drunk guy asleep in their bed. Hint: it's never safe to leave the front door unlocked. A woman was raped in Hells Kitchen awhile back -- with her daughter asleep in bed right next to her -- by a pizza delivery guy who just went around checking all the doorknobs. She siad everyoe left their doors open, so she thought it was safe. Same thing with leaving the windows open, which you never do if there is a fire escape on on a lower floor. There;s a reason they put those locks on you door. Use them.
Having lived in various parts of the EV since 1969, this just left me ROTFLMAO...
I mapped the spots that were hit:
The locus seems to be Tompkins Square Middle School, those damn kids
Plenty of people also do not believe in window coverings - blinds/curtains, whatever.
It may look nice to look out , but thieves are looking in too.
I wonder if these people are new in town, not knowing to lock a door
or window and leaving the windows open to view.
An ex of mine who lived on East 9th Street was robbed when a burglar accessed her apartment via her bedroom window which faced the fire escape and was never locked. Even after she was robbed, she kept it unlocked, and oftentimes a few inches open. She didn't learn! Why don't people get that you have to lock your doors and windows?
I'm assuming these burglaries are in old buildings with fire escapes..the newer tenants not only don't cover or lock their windows, many don't install window gates.
That's a good map. It almost looks as if the burglar is going in a circle in an equal distance from the center, which would be on that dead end street on 5th St between C and D. If so, then he's only burglarizing apartments within a couple of blocks from his own apartment so he can quickly get away with the bulky electronics he keeps swiping. I wouldn't be surprised if he lives right there. And to think this used to be such a nice safe neighborhood.
On-line shopping. For EVERYTHING! By EVERYBODY! Random doorbell buzzing and just as random and unconscious admittance buzzing, 4 and 5 times a day in little tenement walkup buildings. You're a bad guy wanting to do some bad things easy enough to get in!
I'm on E 6th & Ave A. Unless this is sheer coincidence, I think he was here on 3/28/17 around 5:30pm: someone knocked on my door saying he was doing light and electricity inspection for the building. I was home alone and don't have a working peephole, so I told him "sorry, can't help you" and then immediately texted my neighbor telling her to be cautious opening the door for anyone. Had I known these details beforehand, I would have immediately called the cops to report the incident. Had I had my head together a little better, I would have called the cops regardless because our super/manager usually notifies us if there's going to be something like this happening in the building. Now that I know, I'll report it after-the-fact to add to the info that's already out there.
People who party and hang out on the fire escape make it easier for burglars to break in--neighbors get used to seeing people out there and just ignore them and don't call the cops. Often those apts are a good place to target for a burglar who may be casing the area.
There are sprees happening everywhere and officials and high brass at the NYPD aren't calling them as such for some reason, probably nefarious and deferential to real estate interests.
No doubt is because these transients are pretty stupid, considering they are willing to spend 2500 to live in a tenement walk-up and they believe all the hype about crime being low compared to 30 years ago.
At 12:12, Anonymous said:
Plenty of people also do not believe in window coverings - blinds/curtains, whatever.
It may look nice to look out , but thieves are looking in too.
Very good point; I always keep the blind down on my fire-escape window.
I've been in the same building 21 years- luxury developers just took over. Took out our sturdy door for one of those flimsy glass doors. It literally won't latch half the time- let alone lock. Wonderful. This is around my area. Well what do they care? Their rich new tenants haven't arrived yet.
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