[Photo of 2nd Avenue Friday evening by Regina Shvartsman]
Stories posted on EVG this past week included...
Permits filed for 6-story building in long-empty lot at 89 First Ave. (Monday)
Ravi DeRossi moving Ladybird to the East Village; taking residence at former Bourgeois Pig space (Thursday)
Alphabet Scoop open for the season on 11th Street (Saturday)
Preliminary vote on increases for rent-stabilized apartments (Tuesday)
Out and About in the East Village, 2017 recap (Wednesday)
Reader report: A car drives in the First Avenue bike lane (Thursday, 40 comments)
Katrina del Mar's "Feral Women/Filmed Portraits" exhibit is up through May 18 (Thursday)
Another sign of spring: the annual Dance Parade is May 20 (Friday)
The Black Rose has closed on Avenue A; welcome Tompkins Square Park Art Bar (temporarily) (Thursday ... Friday)
Silverstone Property Group gets to work on buildings (previously) owned by Raphael Toledano (Monday)
Townhouse rich in art history for sale on 11th Street; air rights included (Wednesday)
More about Artichoke's move across 14th Street (Wednesday)
Pop-up bubble tea exhibit brings crowds to the Bowery (Monday)
Own Olympic snowboarding champ Shaun White's A Building condo (Friday)
Sandwicherie opens on Fourth Avenue (Tuesday)
A retail vacancy at 51 Astor Place (Monday)
Yuan Noodle in the works for the former Biang! space on Second Avenue (Tuesday)
Whole Foods Market® Bowery replacing beer with coffee in prime corner spot (Tuesday)
Something for future generations to discover on Second Avenue (Tuesday)
Ben Shaoul's East Houston Street condoplex makes first street-level appearance (Monday)
...and practicing for the upcoming Shirts vs. Skins ping-pong tourney...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
... and like 10 days later, no one picked up the table as they promised to do tomorrow...
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