Back in February we reported that the Company Bar and Grill was for sale at 242 E. 10th St. at First Avenue. The owner said that he was moving and needed to sell the bar that he took over in the fall of 2011.
According to paperwork (PDF!) on file ahead of this month's CB3/SLA meeting, an applicant (listed as Byron Burnbaum) is looking to take over the now-closed bar with a venture named Big Pink.
The paperwork shows proposed hours of noon-4 a.m. seven days a week with a menu featuring "new American cuisine."
There are also plans for live music — "acoustic performance only" without any cover charge.
Finally, the paperwork includes an extensive "good neighbor plan" to show how Big Pink will work to keep things quiet outside the establishment:

Hard to say if such extensive plans are supposed to make residents feel better … or worse.
The CB3/SLA meeting is June 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Board 3 Office, 59 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.
Having security personnel out front doesn't assure me. Bars like Doublewide have bouncers at the door and the patrons still stand outside and scream and carry on making noise. There isn't much the security people can do when it comes to enforcement. They can't arrest people for congregating out front and talking loud.
Solas also has bouncers and that dump is horrid on the weekends.
The Big Pink what? Is this a reference to the Pink Pony or to some private body part they don't want to put in their name? After watching someone's brains being splattered in all directions on this week's Game of Thrones I really don't want to know.
As soon as you have bouncers / security outside screening people you have a problem. People who get turned away due to no ID or fake IDs, or who get drunk or don't live up to the right profile, get mad and then the problems begin. And the 4am closing 7 days a week tells you what kind of place they plan to be. Pink is a loud color, I'm sure they plan to live up to that name.
I hope this is not anything like Continental on 3rd Ave. and St. Marks, with the constant noise and sidewalk skirmishes and other problems over the years. I have seen people who got turned away or thrown out for not drinking enough arrested for "fighting" with the bouncers who are at least five times larger than the customers.
Continental has even had protesters due to a door policy some people called racist against black people. But Big Pink has it all figured out with their PowerPoint master plan, which itself should be a big pink flag for the Community Board.
I have a better name: The Big Loud Pink Pony.
I don't know it it's the source of this bar's name but anyone who knows Americana music knows the album "Music from Big Pink" by the Band--you know, one of the greatest N. American bands ever. Wow even the old fogies in 2014 are losing touch with culture.
Music from Big Pink? More like Noise Complaints from Big Pink! #Rimshot #AmIRight #ThisWheelsOnFire
Actually I think the name has something to do with sushi, which I hear may actually become very popular some day. #sushification #GetOffMyLawn #punked #PinkIsTheNewBlack
Pink is the new hoof!
Yet more "new American cuisine"? No, seriously?
There's also a current band called The Big Pink.
- East Villager
I'm happy to have more live music in the neighborhood. Live spots have been disappearing (or switching to recorded music only, like Continental) without replacements.
Hope they book some jazz.
- East Villager
If the current bar is being replaced, I think this is a great idea.
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