Back in January, an apparently brotastic 6-bedroom apartment at the newly renovated 205 Avenue A was billed as an "East Village frat house" in ads.
Apparently the building with roof deck and backyard is living up to its billing.
Residents who live near the party palace between East 12th Street and East 13th Street say they have been enduring various daytime/nighttime parties since April.
Says one neighbor: "Rooftop parties have included a DJ with sound system and the backyard patio has a large outdoor screen for movies and sports. The backyard is part of a typical configuration whereby many buildings overlook their shared backyard areas which creates a kind of echoey canyon where even the smallest noises are amplified."
To date, residents say building owner Icon Realty has been unresponsive to emails and phone calls regarding the noise complaints.
So, the residents say they were left with little choice but to seek other alternatives to the problem. That means the 9th Precinct, Community Board 3 and the offices of Councilmember Rosie Mendez and State Sen. Brad Hoylman … all are said to be aware of the ongoing noise problems coming from the building's residents (and their guests).
205 Avenue A is expected to be among the topics of discussion during tonight's Ninth Precinct Community Council meeting. (The meeting is at 7 p.m. at the 9th Precinct, 321 E. Fifth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.)
And this is not the first time residents have had noise complaints about Icon Realty's newly created dorms.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Your 6-bedroom dream 'frat house' awaits you in the East Village
How's life by 326-328 E. Fourth St. these days?
These urban frat-houses are the absolute worst addition to the EV. These masters of the universe seek to only entertain themselves which ever way they see fit and could care less of about anyone (is they really anyone else in their universe but themselves). 533 E 12th (a newish building) had 4 guys which were part of a NYU fraternity, they told me it dated to 1840 when they were justifying their right to throw a party of 200 friends. I shut them down by going to the front door of their apartment where they had hired a bouncer, and were charging (non adults) $20 to enter and drink freely from all the beer kegs. I asked them if they want to police or fire department to shut them done for operating an unlicensed drinking establishment and selling alcohol to minors. They were incensed and told by there were studying law and told be how better their education was compared to mine. I laughed and told them "I won, you can stop talking now". They were evicted when a new owner took possession of this building and their apartment was completely trashed. All the wood floors had to be replaced, the wall were filled with holes from kicking or punching and many of the interior doors suffered the same fate. The new frat has opened directly behind this building on 13th street. Here we go again.
Grieve said "brotastic".
I laughed out loud.
(and then mourned, since I live too close to one of these brotastic dormfrat vomitoriums).
- East Villager
Out of curiosity, what school do they go to? I wonder if it might help to get the school involved. Maybe if there are enough infractions against them they can be kicked out.
Someone is doing gut renovations to about half the apartments at 329 East 10th Street; looks like they are making them bigger, and thus able to accept more students. It was always a quiet building, so I am already dreading the caliber of screaming drunks it will no doubt attract. The fact that it's right across the garden from my bedroom does not help at all.
So sorry for the neighbors. I absolutely hate my college aged / recent grad neighbors who do this shit in shared backyards between 5th and 6th st (btw ave A and B), but luckily no DJs so far...
If possible attend 9th Precinct meeting tonight. Let them know your concerns.
do you happen to know who the landlord is- Is it Kushner, Icon, Tower?
Icon Realty bought 329 E. 10th Street late last summer. Expect more of the same here. Too bad, it was such a nice building.
Icon also recently purchased 145 Avenue A (the building with Cafe Pick Me Up at East 9th Street) and 222 E. 12th St.
Would it help to start picketing in front of the building to draw media attention to the situation?
Please everyone who is having issues with this attend the 9th street precinct meeting at the 9th precinct tonight at 7pm. The police hassled a woman on the street for playing her guitar, hassle the guys who hang out in the park for smoking, yet they aren't really making a dent in this stuff. I would like to know what Rosie does about these things? Probably nothing as she is never around and always too busy.
new t-shirt idea?
"Out of curiosity, what school do they go to? I wonder if it might help to get the school involved. Maybe if there are enough infractions against them they can be kicked out." These clowns were NYU students as they repeatedly told me. It dawned on me a few days later that I could have shamed them for life for shutting fraternity which had existed since 1840-ish. Not being a privilege kid, I paid for my own college tuition (SVA) and the idea of a fraternity seemed like the un-coolest thing in the world. Never in a million years did I think I would live next door to one in the EV.
First off, as someone who lives directly across from this building, I want to say this. CALM THE FUCK DOWN PEOPLE.
I ask you this, do you want to live in a sterile east village that is quiet and boring or do you want to live in a loud, somewhat dirty and somewhat gritty east village? The reason I ask is I see a lot of hypocrisy on this blog from people..
On one hand you lament the loss of the 90s here where basically anything went. You mourn people like LES Jewels who was a crazy and dangerous SOB who depending on the day and the quality of heroin terrorized the brunchers at Yuca Bar. Yet on the other hand you bitch and complain about noise, parties, bars and anything else that might fall into the domain of counter culture.
Well which is it I ask you? A quiet and boring EV or one where you don't have to open your window to hear the action going on outside? I vote the latter. When it's time for me to go to bed at 10p on a Friday night, I'll move to the nice and sterile upper east side...
The only crimes the guys who are throwing parties at 205 Avenue A are guilty of are playing very bad fucking music and sitting on the edge of the roof, which if you watched these guys party as I have is bound to end up not good for the sidewalk...
The reality is this, the people bitching about this type of thing either fall into into one of two categories (IMO), people who shouldn't be living in the EV and people just simply don't like bros and anything they do...but loud rooftop parties is what we need more of here, not less.
"loud rooftop parties" does not equal "counterculture." sorry. you're confused.
@ 5:59
"but loud rooftop parties is what we need more of here, not less."
I will take Jewels hassling people at the Yuca bar over the assholes at 205 Ave A any day. Why are you so concerned with the patrons at the Yuca Bar - that place is a shithole. I wouldn't eat or drink anything it that place out of fear of getting some kind disease. Nasty place. Bringing Jewels into the equation is absurd to begin with - let him RIP.
Contacting NYU doesn't matter. We had a problem with that 12th St frat one weekend a few years ago with hundreds of people storming the street all night, pissing in doorways etc. NYU very specifically and clearly said they did not care one shit about people who don't live in campus housing. The national frat association wrote a letter of apology, and the boys promised to participate in community service on the block but, shockingly, never did it. Oh, and I got death threats from their supporters. I post this anonymously so I don't get those again. But you all know who I am.
Anonymous on June 17 @ 5:29pm: What makes you think you get to decide quality of life for those who live around here (and who have in most cases lived here longer than the frat brats have even been alive).
You were not here in the 90's (I guarantee that!).
The right to sleep so that one can function at one's job the next day is basic. Leases have that clause saying that tenants (ALL tenants) have a right to "peaceful enjoyment of their premises."
Let me put it this way: I was here before these slime balls, and I will be here after they've moved "uptown" (after they get saggy & bloated from all their drinking - aging frat boys are a pathetic sight).
Meantime, I will be putting in noise complaints as necessary.
@5;59 - how the hell do you survive without a brain? You must be one of them bros of whom you so fondly speak; I *don't* like them, the smug, self-satisfied for no reason, shallow nitwits, but since I have lived in the EV longer than you have probably been alive, I ain't going nowhere. So sod off, and stop spewing this stupid tripe.
Since when are suburban privileged white-bread bros counterculture? I have shocking news for you, June 17, 2014 at 5:29 PM, back in the heyday of the East Village, when it was filled with art & music and people who were actually interesting, noise was CONTAINED.
It was INSIDE clubs, with doors closed, not this open air, all of you have to listen to our sh*t music, if you don't like it move arrogant entitled attitude.
We partied, we liked our bands loud and hard, but we also had respect for our neighbors, we were aware of the fact that families with children lived in the neighborhood before we ever heard of it, something you and your frathole friends don't seem to be aware of.
@5:29, HaHa! What a load of BS. You obviously were not in NYC during the 90's (or earlier). I had a whole DJ set-up in my apt, which was off Ave A. Turntables, mixer, giant speakers etc.. I also had enough sense and courtesy to not play music after 10pm on weekdays or midnight on weekends. WHY? Because I knew how to live in a city, surrounded by people above and below me. This new invasion of frat boy douchebags (and their female counterparts) has no understanding of what city living is all about. They're selfish, spoiled brats and about as far from counterculture as one can get. Your comment echoes the cluelessness this new generation exhibits. They have ruined the city.
Rooftop Broathon 'ragers' are COUNTERCULTURE?!?!?
y'all talking that 'white-bread' nonsense are racist.
I know plenty of black and asian and latino "Bro's"
its not an affliction belonging solely to whites or even suburbia for that matter. Plenty are from the boroughs.
Thank you to Anon June 18 @ 12:04am AND Anon June 18 @ 9:04am - you both hit the issue on the head. It's about RESPECT - respect for one's neighbors & neighborhood.
Frat brats don't believe that anything other than what they want is of any importance; they have zero respect for others.
Getting drunk, playing music at ear-splitting levels at all hours - hey, it's what THEY want, so to hell with what anyone else wants or needs.
They think everything's theirs to use, to trash & to throw out. Where they live is temporary - it's all just another "dorm" to them - until they age out and move "uptown" (where I deeply hope they become middle-aged and are plagued by the NEXT generation of frat brats telling THEM to shut up & move if they don't like the noise).
I wish NYC would set up an official frat brat residential ghetto somewhere, where they'd all have live in one area (FAR AWAY from the rest of us). Then they could get drunk & play music 24/7, bothering only each other. Is there an island in the East River that's available for them?
If the NYPD won't do something about the arrogance of the invading hordes of monied transients who treat our community as their playground, I wouldn't be surprised to hear about folks taking matters into their own hands. All kinds of nasty things can be brought to bear vs transgressors if neighbors use their imagination.
I would think that it's in the interest of the NYPD to nip this shit in the bud before bad things start happening to these "entitled" shitheads. Just sayin'....
"Is there an island in the East River that's available for them?"
Rat Island
"The entire island is littered with broken glass from beer bottles"
Joins, “Get a grip”, Get a Life”, “This is New York”, “If you don’t like noise__________” etc. and etc.
Listen Hick/Rube/Dude/Bro, you’re out of your league here.
Chris flash - :D I got your back, no worries. Crazy Eddie - well said - "out of your league here"...
I can't WAIT to get back in town... Respect
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