[EVG file photo from April]
For the past two years or so we've been looking at the Adele, the 12-story mixed-used apartment building now renting at East Houston and Avenue D.
A few of the listings mention the roof deck … to date, though, we've only seen the OMG rendering…

We spotted a listing for a two-bedroom unit ($5,133) that includes photos of the roof deck … no pool, but nice city views…

And the "grass" is definitely greener on the roof than it is on the sidewalk outside the Adele.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Adele joins The Robyn in pop star-friendly East Village corridor
Report: New 12-story, mixed-use building in the works for Avenue D
Familiar business opening in The Adele's retail space on Avenue D and East Houston Street
How long until an OMG tumbles off the side of the building taking a drunken selfie?
And of course, you have whites and Carrie Bradshaws depicted in that rendering.
August 31st: fantastic triangular conjunction of Saturn, Mars and the Waxing Crescent Moon, low in the western sky after sunset. Nowhere on 2nd Avenue can you see this event. But from the roof of the Adele, I'm sure it will be spectacular. Too bad I don't know the owners or anyone who lives there!
I wonder if it will have 2 entrances one for the high renter tenants and one for the low income renters as some new building have. Seriously I heard this on the radio while in a taxi a couple of weeks ago.
Perhaps Adele would respond to an overture from the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York. www.aaa.org
Oh and the view of Jacob Riis and Baruch Houses must be astounding
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