Just noting the recent arrival of the coming soon signage at 318 E. 11th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue... announcing the new (larger) home for The Village Veterinarian, who is currently down the street closer to First Avenue.

The sign points to an opening in early 2016.
The previous tenant here, Soon Beauty Lab (who consolidated their operations), closed back in January.
Does anyone here have experience with this vet?
@10:55 Yes I use them, what is the question?
11:23 AM: Good, bad, somewhere in-between?
Best vet in the EV, IMHO: Dr. Daniel Tufaro, over at 200 Avenue A between 12th and 13th. Caring, compassionate, smart, a long-time neighborhood carer for our animals. I've followed him from his first office on 4th and B to his next on 14th and B to this new place, and will stick with him as long as he's there for me. He lives in Stuytown with his family, too, so he's a local.
I really like Dr. Moscovich. He isn't an up-seller and he genuinely cares about animals. After horror services at nearly every other vet in the East Village, I switched to him. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats and they all love him. He also euthanized one of my sick cats and I've never experienced a more compassionate "putting down" in my 40 years of animal owning.
You couldn't find a better vet than Dr. Moscovich if you looked. My cat and dogs have been his patients since he opened the practice. I trust his judgement without reservation and he has proven himself to be not only a great diagnostician, an animal over beyond compare, but a warm human being as well.
Dr. Moscovich is heaven sent
I also like dr Moscovich. He understands that most people can't afford to sell their soul every time they go to the vet. His advice has been good and he even takes care of a squirrel that a woman has taken in as a pet, thought I'm pretty sure he's not so happy about it.
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