Just noting a tribute that arrived this week at 190 Bowery (at Spring Street) ... in memory of Prince and David Bowie, with an inscription "You will be missed" ...

The work is by @citykittystreet ...
Meanwhile, the conversion of the historic Germania Bank Building continues. Aby Rosen's RFR Realty owns the building and it's not known exactly what's going to happen to the landmarked building...

Welcome to the Bowery, where dreams come to die.
Artist-City Kitty Street Art
Look at the construction worker twerking the building!
The worker in the green vest just ducked in time to avoid getting hit with the EVG arrow. wow that was close.
The actual dying on the Bowery occurs at the Bowery Mission. But nobody cares. Too upset about yogurt and ice cream or froyo.
There was another photo of the worker with his hand in the air. The arrow was placed there to make it look like he was throwing a javelin. Grieve didn't publish it, though. Typical.
Are those Lady Gaga and Loca Flocka?
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