As we first reported back in February, the 14-year-old Podunk – the American Tearoom, the family-run cafe on East Fifth Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square, is closing after service this Sunday.
The owners have said they are relocating, though they haven't divulged the location just yet...

You can keep tabs on their Instagram and Facebook accounts.
The building that houses Podunk at 231 E. Fifth St. was part of the portfolio that Raphael Toledano’s Brookhill Properties purchased last fall.
I wandered by the week it opened (I live around the corner) and quickly fell into the family community there. I know folks griped about the proprietor, Elspeth, and her late husband, but I loved the fact that they didn't suffer fools/hipsters gladly. If anything they helped man the barricades in keeping something truly neighborhood and family like.
I'll miss them, their interesting tea combos, the food and the long talks about books, music, and life.
Best of luck, Podunk!
I walked in one day, and immediately every head in the place turned and cast an uncomfortable eye at me.
Hmpf. Maybe I'm a hipster? (who knew?)
These businesses always exit with such sophistication and aplomb. My placard on the door would say "landlord's a c***"
I really hope they reopen. Easily one of my favorite places in the city.
I love this place and wish I'd gone more often. I think Elspeth is smart and fascinating and cool (the first time she met me she told me I was a caution! No one else has ever called me a caution!) and I loved the children's books --her daughter's! -- and the quirky vibe. Also the full tea was top-notch; the scones and little sandwiches and homemade jams were to die, and I loved the huge selection of interesting teas. I look forward to visiting the new location, wherever it is.
I will miss Podunk and I hope they find a new location. Wishing you a great "next phase" wherever it is (and I hope it's nearby).
I hate the fact that this lovely family business is being driven out by Toledano, who is a smugly moronic 25-year-old jackass of a landlord.
I remember when they first opened they were actually the 2nd tea room on the block, after the Internet cafe / tea room on the corner.
At the time I thought this must be the greatest block in the world to live on. It sad to see the both of them gone now.
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