[Photo from March 26 by George Jarema via Facebook]
Two women who were subletting an apartment at 129 Second Ave. are the first to file lawsuits related to the deadly explosion on March 26. They are each seeking $20 million, according to the Post today.
Lucie Bauermeister, 23, and Anna Ramotowska, 26, said they were in their third-floor sublet, changing for the gym, when the blast blew out the front of Sushi Park at 121 Second Ave. several buildings away.
When they went outside to see what had happened, glass was flying, and Ramotowska said she got “like, five or six scratches” on the back of her left hand when she used it to protect her face.
The roomies ran back to grab their valuables, including Ramotowska’s pet Pomeranian, Darnell, and a fur coat that had belonged to Baumeister’s grandma.
Baumeister said she couldn’t sleep and lost her appetite after the blast and started seeing a $175-an-hour psychologist who recommended at least six to eight more weeks of counseling.
As the Post notes, despite the trauma, "neither looked worse for wear during a primped-up appearance on Fox 5’s 'Good Day New York.'"
The building they were staying in, No. 129, was reopened to residents on March 28. Bauermeister, who described herself as a "beach baby at heart," is planning to move to Savannah, Ga. Ramotowska is also heading to the South where her parents recently relocated.
Updated: Thanks to the reader in the comments for this... a copy of the complaint (PDF). Per the Post: "Defendants are Con Ed, 121 Second Ave. landlord Maria Hrynenko, contractor Dilber Kukic and Hyeonil Kim, owner of the destroyed Sushi Park eatery."
Is this a week late april fools joke?
I don't need to watch the video to know these women sound like terrible human beings. Worse than the gawkers taking selfies in front of the pile of rubble.
Even though I was nowhere close to 2nd and 7th when all this happened, I am going to sue just for the stress and trauma that was caused by me knowing that it happened.
I was walking down 2nd Avenue at the time of the explosion. I was outside and saw what happened. I have been traumatized and worried about what will happen to the people who have been displaced. My favorite restaurant, Stage, may not open. Where am I going to go to buy chicken soup? Having grown up in this neighborhood I can never walk down 2nd Avenue without getting upset. I had my first Blimpie sandwich right there - memories. Can I have the name of their attorney so that I can file a lawsuit. I can use 20 million dollars, can't we all?
Ugh. I'd tell them to please leave New York, but it looks like they're already on their way. Hopefully it will be without any money won in court. Despicable.
These two were on "Fox 5" television all that afternoon. I suspect a lawyer saw them on television.
Between 7th Street and St. MARTIN's.
Fox News, gettin' it right.
REALLY? A few scratches? Two young men lost their lives, thru no fault of their own. Run back home to your Mama, that's where you belong. It's obvious you aren't sufficiently hatched yet! No one owns you broads a dime!!
I can just imagine them cackling behind a closed hotel door payed for by their parents. "Hehehe we wanted to leave this shithole anyway, this is PERF!"
Who wants to bet that the sublet wasn't legal?
"i had, like, 5 or 6 scratches". Typical of the kind of spoiled narcissists who are moving to NYC. Two people lost their lives, others were hospitalized and everyone lost their permanent homes, along with their pets and all of their possessions and these are the ones who claim to be the biggest victims. How about if they share that $20 million with the others, or with the leaseholder whose apartment was destroyed? I hope they get nothing.
Between 7th and St. Martin's - nice opening.Then they live in 129 and say they were 2 doors down - even when the "reporter" says so the blast happened in 126 they say yes - they don't seem like they lived here long at all and I suspect they are like many of our new breed of transplants - something upsets their gym routine and they out. Don't let the door hit you and hope you get $0. Some people actually deserve remuneration - not these two fools.
These "women" make me sick. Go and stay in the South with all the other pretentious and fake "Southern Belles". And how exactly did she get "scratches" on her hands when her building wasn't affected and I doubt she went and tried to help somebody. She probably took the next train uptown to Saks to "console" herself. Dumb gold-diggers!
This is a perfect example of what's wrong with our "society". A few scratches can earn you $20 million? ...that's a lot of clams in Nowheresville, GA. Why do these southern hicks move up here in the first place? Good riddance. They should be happy that they got their pet out. A lot of others didn't, nor did they have a moment to rescue anything from their apartments. Others are still dealing with both physical and emotional pain. I love how she cites her $175/hr shrink. Of course you need more treatment, honey, but you seem to know how to screw people over for your betterment easily enough. YOU'LL GET NOTHING. YOU BOTH ARE NOT THE REAL VICTIMS OF THIS TRAGEDY. I have an idea: Why not take a moment to think about the families of the victims WHO PAID WITH THEIR LIVES? Stupid over-privileged a-holes with rich a-hole parents no doubt. Let me guess...NYU? GREED BEGETS GREED.
I shudder to think that these - things - will someday be in the market for husbands and may actually spawn. Who thinks like this?!? Who acts like this?!?
In the video, one of the women informs the reporter that they live in 125, next door to the collapse. Trying to glom on to the spotlight of a tragedy for narcissistic reasons should be criminal. They should be brought up on charges for abuse of the court system. Light jail time, community service at the very least. They need to be made an example of.
Their story is BS. They left the safety of their apartment after the blast, at some point being cut by shards of glass that magically remained in the air, waiting to cut them, only to see people pouring out of the building? Pouring?! One person was home and an off duty fire fighter helped rescue her. There were no people pouring out of anything. There are numerous videos of what actually happened and their accounts don't add up.
low hanging fruit, instant satire on the new east village and contender for biggest assholes of 2015.
They probably figure the City will throw them 25K to make them go away. FLUSH
Call or text @ 869 248-2437 it would be my pleasure to help pack your bags. Unfortunate little pooch, to think your doggy must spend another moment with daddy's little greedy girls, boohoo......
Howl at these women all you want, but for longtime residents, these privileged newbys are our only hope. Developers don't care about immigrants and rent controlled old-timers, but young rich people will sue their asses. Both sides will lose lots of money, hopefully. But, that's the only way to get real estate people to stop screwing up and screwing us -- have people with more disposable income to move in and dare the business folks to cross them. It will also get politicians to pay attention - they always pay attention to money. Let the law suits begin!
@bowboy said...
There are tenants (with modest means) creating activist groups and getting city government to listen to them and the mainstream press is picking up on illegal shit the new batch of landlords and developers are puling. These women are suing the city (that's taxpayers like me and probably you) not those that should be sued.
I do believe that I have come down with a case of the vapors. Fiddle-dee-dee!
Future Fox News “The Five” hosts? I think this is rich that the NY Post/Fox News runs this “news” clip (St Martins!) for all of us to skank and make us all feel better while this is precisely the demo that News Corp/Blooomturd/Burden and even the NY Times glorifies for our new “clean” city. Like YAH!
BTW, NOTORIOUS hits it out of the park, they are lying twits.
I don;t think I've ever said this before but...Read the NY Post article. Even THEY make fun of them and doubt their veracity.
EV is there a clothing drive or anything we can do to help? I'd like to start a drive if not and pitch in how I can.
Bowboy much as I hate to admit it, I think you're right. I hope the tenants can get together and sue the sh*t out of the landlord Maria Hrynenko and her son.
What kind of "business meeting" were they in where they left looking that worked over?
"There are tenants (with modest means) creating activist groups and getting city government to listen to them"
...is that really true?
Activist groups are haphazardly created, but rarely listened to, because it's just a tired old hippie concept. LES Dwellers are about the only group I can think of who gets anyone to listen, and even them only so much. But do you really want to be that big of a pain-in-the-butt to get what should be basic? Rosie only listens a tiny bit once in a while. Margaret Chin doesn't listen at all unless you're either really old or asian. No one believes that CB3 is listening, but feel free to disagree, ugh. Certainly, deBlasio wants tall buildings and less regulations, so he's not listening, and he wants the LPC to do as little as possible or he'd actually fund the Commission, but no. Really, other than the current "small business" blip (which will soon pass) who's talking to any elected leader who's listening?
Seriously, I want to believe your reply, but other than this explosion, I'm not seeing it. Or rather hearing it. Were it not for this great tragedy in our neighborhood, do you really think any "city government" person or group would be doing anything differently today than they'd otherwise be doing? I really doubt it, but I'd like to be wrong.
I found one of their Facebook pages and I would honestly encourage people to message her and tell her how disgraceful you think her greed is.
If their case is not legitimate, it will be dismissed. In the meantime, why does everyone here have to dump on anyone under 50?
I hate these new East Village twits. The D-Bag BF is the icing on the cake. Take your beard and please leave already!
Let's be clear here. They are suing THE CITY, not the landlord. The city has money, it's yours.
If you get drunk enough and fall into the subway and get hit by the train and manage to survive... you then sue the city and will acquire millions of dollars. (No joke here, it has happened multiple times).
The blood sucking lawyers know the city likes to settle rather than fight. So these two are taking a shot.. who knows, maybe they'll make a few bucks. But it does not come out of the landlord's pocket, it comes out of YOUR POCKET.
Ramotowska said she got “like, five or six scratches” on the back of her left hand when she used it to protect her face.
Wow, that's rough.
I still have respiratory problems from the blast—no joke—so maybe I should sue, too.
i live a few blocks away, on 10th. fortunately i was at work when this happened. if you're interested in reading their complaint, here you go: http://pospislaw.com/2015/04/07/40m-east-village-explosioncollapse-lawsuit/.
Legally speaking, how can one sue these two idiots or at least tie them up in court forever?
Take a look at Lucie's facebook. This girl is not poor, she is not hurting for money. She is a typical trust fund baby, who has come into our neighborhood. DO NOT feel sorry for these girls. They have lost NOTHING. They have their apartment, and all their designer stuff. Feel sorry for all the people who lost everything. Good riddance. Let them move out. We should all chip in to buy them a one way ticket out of town.
This story almost sent me into a rage!! The only word I can think of to describe these vapid little harpies isn't fit to be printed here. But I'll give you a hint, it starts with a "c" and rhymes with "punts"!!! No offense meant to anyone except these 2!!
I think I know what the problem is here. Going for the money's the American Way. It's just really annoying when you're going for it with a Pomeranian and a creaky baby voice.
If only THEY had died in the fire.
The NYPost identifies the lawyer as Robert Vilensky. Probably as disgusting as these two hags --- the site lists one of their practice areas as "NYC Gas Explosion Attorney".
To quote:
"For the last 25 years, the NYC gas explosion attorney of Ronemus & Vilensky have been helping people get the compensation and help they need and are entitled to." and "Our experienced NYC gas explosion Attorney and the law firm of Ronemus & Vilensky are by your side."
Ambulance chasers with an easy-peasy copy/paste website.
they were on the news for a solid 20 minutes complaining about all the "things" they "worked so hard for since graduating". Seriously!? I had to turn it off it was so appalling! And now THIS?!
Ken from Ken's Kitchen, you are my new favorite person.
Stupid Cows! Go back to Australia you wankers!!! You are entitled to $0.00 and you have no legal basis for any frivolous lawsuit. You are probably illegal and I hope the Gov't deports you back to your criminal colony. Vermin like you make me sick! You should pay the people who LIVE in the EV and have to put up with POS like you. Isn't there a law that you have to pick up after your dog? How did these two still remain on the street? GET LOST LOSERS!!!!
The first clue in that video that their $40 million story is suspect is that comatosed looking Pomeranian. Had the dog been in the middle of something as scary as their story it would have signs of PTSD, instead it looks like an Ewok that just wants it's belly rubbed. Also someone needs to all tell these people with the cute little teddy bear dogs that Pomeranian poop isn't cute and it doesn't look like skittles, and they really need to clean it up.
$40 million? Why not just sue the city for $100 million instead? :) There is certainly no shortage of money in this town.
Just one question: is the George Jarema captioned on the photo related to Peter and Olga Jarema of funeral-home fame?
They fabricated so much. The fire escape didn't blow off the building and people weren't screaming in flames. WTF?!
Go take a selfie ass hats.
Go away. A loss of life is not remunerated at that price; a few scratches...?
- East Villager
I am filing a lawsuit for the trauma of having to endure the countless twits such as these two "gentrifying" my city. My blood pressure rises every time I bump in to them walking on the left of the sidewalk. My olfactory system is overwhelmed when I step in their vomit on the sidewalk after a pub crawl. And my sleep is irregular due to their incessant "who-hoo" ing in the wee hours. That should be worth at least 100 mill, and it can be split by their suburban parents that subsidize them.
When did this story first emerge? It isn't April Fools Day. These dimwits need some sense knocked into them. Others lost substantially more. Have we seen or heard about pending lawsuits from them? No! Greed takes on many forms, especially when others are truly suffering. These selfish, self-absorbed morons need a reality check.
Here is the entire complaint--read it and seethe.
They should be put in the stocks for public humiliation for their opportunism and shamelessness.
Then sentenced to public service for wasting everyone's time.
- East Villager
I apologize — the original headline was incorrect.
The defendants are Con Ed, 121 Second Ave. landlord Maria Hrynenko, contractor Dilber Kukic and Hyeonil Kim, owner of the destroyed Sushi Park eatery.
Dingo took my credible story!
To Anon @ 4/7/15 2:07. You must be one of the entitled brats that has moved here in the past few years. Do you really think that if they were "over 50" in the same circumstances that everyone would be saying it was ok?
There are also plenty of middle aged a-holes who have moved here, too, by the way.
Oh but 9:33, don't you know that "everyone here is dumping on anyone under 50"! Even though I can't find a single comment here where anyone has said anything of the sort! It's EVERYONE!
Something-something millennial-brats always-whiny make-everything-about-themselves. No one cares about your hurt fee-fees right now, Anon 2:07.
I would sell my soul to find a $175/hr therapist. A bargain by NYC standards.
Likewise, unless the we throw the millennials a pizza party upon joining the conversation, we'll always be seen as mean.
There is a reason the New York Post and Fox News are running with this story. They have an agenda to push "tort reform," so they broadcast the outrageous cases and use that to paint all plaintiffs as leeches.
St. Martins? Where's the remote…..
I'm not one to spew vitriol on the internet willy nilly, but as Anna's former roommate, I feel compelled to justifiably assassinate her character.
Anna is living the American dream, "literally" (to use the word she so loves, literally always meaning figuratively, but always saying literally). Come to New York on your mother's dime after college with no career plans, aimlessly bartend, party, take selfies and pretend to be a socialite for years, then wait for tragedy to strike and try to get rich off it.
Her Instagram profile says "An ordinary life doesn't interest me." That's a very good thing, because "ordinary" people saw this tragedy and ran to the rubble to help others out, disregarding their own physical well-being. While these "ordinary" citizens were running headlong into danger, she was thinking "I'm finally getting the break I deserve" and concocting her plan to fake emotional trauma. While people were dying in the building collapse, she was dyeing her hair to whatever not-attractive color that is for her TV interview. Thankfully, Anna will no longer have to live an ordinary life, as 20 million dollars can buy plenty of molly, Miley Cyrus albums and flights to Miami. And Yankees opening day tickets (from which she took duck-faced selfies, as severely traumatized people do).
Oh, and that dog Darnell? She's borrowing it. It's not her dog. Somehow this rocket surgeon believes that having it makes her more of a sympathetic figure, rather than the q-level celebrity harpee she really is.
I'm merely withholding her phone number from the public because, well, I'm not Anna.
FYI the attorneys who filed the suit are no longer in the case. http://pospislaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Bauermeister-v-Con-Ed-SupBx-21868-15E-Order-Atty-Withdraw.pdf
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