You probably noticed the arrival of these yesterday at strategic points along Avenue A (and assorted side streets) … We were hopeful that they'd display some sort of welcome sign (use your creativity!)…

But they are a notice about a closure...

Next Saturday AND Sunday, Avenue A will be closed between East Fourth Street and East Seventh Street from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. So, "Use alternative route."
We heard something about Con Ed installing new transformers at the substation between Fifth Street and Sixth Street.
What? Con Ed is installing a new animal electrocution center? Awesome! They're on it!
After the stuff that ConEd has got up to lately (several deaths in Harlem are Exhibit A), I think we should demand that they start communicating with neighborhoods before they start working on projects. Last night, for the umpteenth time, they were drilling about 7 pm on 6th Street between A and B. They have been working on and off on this block for at least two years.
They should be forced to post signs before doing this (disruptive) work. The signs would have to say how long the project is expected to take, and whether they are working on electric or gas line, etc.
Someone should bring this up at a Community Board meeting and maybe get politicians involved.
Any thoughts?
Let's have a street fair! Since the street will be closed anyways.
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