[Photo by EVG reader John]
Oh, just another shoot at Vazac's/7B/Horseshoe Bar today … here at East Seventh Street and Avenue B where the CBS show "Unforgettable" is filming… at Lonnegan's!
In recent years, 7B has also been called The Bushwhack (!!!!) for "Smash" …
[Photo by Dave on 7th]
Lehane's Tavern for some show called "Golden Boy" …
… the intersection was also moved for "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" …
[Photo by Bobby Williams]
Updated 9:41 p.m.
The NYPD had to dispatch the SWAT team to Lonnegan's a little later when they ran out of $3 cans of Coors Light…

[Photo today by Bobby Williams]
Previously on EV Grieve:
7B in the movies
Michael Corleone says hello!!!
"Michael Corleone says hello!!!"
"Akk!! GaG! GGGGhhh Ghhaaa!!!!!!"
it was also in the movie version of Rent
and Carrie got arrested for smoking pot across the street on Sex in the city
Two words: 'Crocodile Dundee'.
"The Verdict" - Paul Newman pinball!
I'm supportive of film shoots in the neighborhood but the other day it seemed like every god damn block was blocked off for film trucks etc. I've never seen so many no parking signs for shoots, it was insane. They need to limit that shit.
I'd like to see everyone in the EV go on record in opposition to using the streets here for these shoots. They've had their quota for the next 50 years. Join me in complaining to the community board.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
What I would like to see is a database available on the Mayor's Film Office website with a click-able map with all the filming locations on it for any given day. I'd like to be able to type in a past date and see the filming for *that* day. I'd like to type a block into a search box for the data base and give a range of dates and see all the filming that happened/is permitted to happen on that block.
Clarity. Transparency. And advance notice...we need to be able to plan. Hell, if Alternate Side of the Street parking calendars can be reported on 311 and in the news and on the nyc.gov website, then they should be able to let us know in a central place about all the filming.
I think that we have to view all the permits as a neighborhood, not block, issue. I recall some time back (2012/2013) there were 3 separate productions happening within the EV, all north of Houston St. in a two day period. Parking -- and traffic -- as it was at the end of the week when we are being invaded by all the partiers was INSANE. I don't own a car, so you'd think I wouldn't care, but, I noticed it even though that particular time we didn't happen to have filming on my block (a rarity).
There is no recompense to the block and the filing companies getting to claim all the parking space is a sleezy way of getting the people in a neighborhood to further subsidise a production on top of whatever is going to them in the form of a tax break or outright payment.
The expansion/reconstruction of Astoria Studios was subsidised AND part of a street was demapped. Make all of them use that. At least for a while.
Great ideas.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
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