Signs are up at the former psychic storefront (oh, Jessica!) at 79 E. 10th Street near Fourth Avenue for City of Saints Coffee Roasters … coming soon here…

We don't know a thing about these Saints… they have an Instagram account … and a teaser website that notes "proudly roasted in Brooklyn, served up at 1320 Bloomfield St., Hoboken" … which appears to be an apartment building via Google Street view …
Thanks to EVG reader JBA for the tip.
One of the guys working in there is from Stumptown. He used to come and service my espresso machine TSB worked with the company. Really good guy. Looks like he may have left to A) Do his own thing or B) Get away from the corporate bozo's who bought out that company. Either way I wish him luck!
Are you EFFEN' kidding me? More facken coffee? Jesus, soon there'll be nothing to do in this neighborhood but lapse into a diabetic coma from all the sweet shite or vibrate into a caffeine fit!
All these crap coffee places, like much of the craft crap beers, are just too much saturation to take for our little Manhattan island. Oh for the days of cheap and delicious Ballantine Pale Ale and Chock Full of Nuts! No b.s. locally sourced nonsense.
Good coffee in the neighborhood is always a good thing - but it's really going to be another (successful) NYU study hall.
There is nowhere around here (except Pain Quotidien on B'way) where you can actually sit if you buy a cup of coffee - everywhere is packed with NYU students "studying" - or pretending to looking at laptops.
I'm happy for all these study hall businesses, and I can make better coffee than most at home, but it does tend to push me out of the area when it becomes a college campus. If I wanted to live on a campus I would move back to Middlebury, VT or Tucson, AZ.
Good luck to these guys. As long as you have wifi, tables, and don't kick people out you will make a killing.
When I moved to EV in '01 I was a coffee drinker and I found myself mostly consigned to cheap "coffee regular" from delis. Now in '14 I have long since given up the sludge, but now New York City has finally (even California got their shit straight years before NYC) gotten wise to good coffee and there's fancy places on almost every block. Thanks a fucking lot.
ummmmmm coffee shops dont make money from a college kid who buys a $3 latte and stays for 2 hours. The shops you see now tend to be Third Wave- unplugged, no couches, get your joe and move on kind of places.
I'm with @BagelGuy. coffee shops look and smell nice and they don't have customers who stumble out and vomit in front of my building or pee on my front gate. Yay!
if you think its over saturated well thats not a bad thing either, the neighborhood aka 'the market' will sort that out on its own.
Welcome to the 'hood Saints.
I'm holding out for soy latte in a hoof
let me add a cashew milk cold brew served in re-purposed light bulb cups and we have a new shop idea. we'll need a speakeasy style space to rent......
The more coffee shops, the better.
However, I keep hoping for at least some cafes in the best European style - no disposable cups, no silly names and faux-antique knickknacks, no sweetened concoctions, no unwashed hipsters with questionable facial hair and ski caps, but just good coffee served beautifully, by neatly dressed and polite staff.
Café Sabarsky in the Neue Galerie uptown is the closest approximation, but it's too far away, and often has lines. (The lines suggest that there is more demand for this kind of place... a void for the enterprising to fill!)
- East Villager
On that note, Taralluci is nice and seems to avoid the over student-ification.
Some others I like:
Ost Cafe
La Colombe - great coffee, but too long lines
- East Villager
@East Villager: I always bring my own cup; I can't stand disposables.
I am SO all for new coffee shops. I can't believe how angry people get over other people following their passions and wanting to be happy in their lives..
but with that said..
Murray Hill could really use a good local shop in the neighb. TOO MANY CHAINS (DD, Starbucks..even the more local gregs and new bees knees*which has terrible coffee and doesnt even count, being a bakery*) filled with the surrounding yes, college and younger vibes..its unfortunate.
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