It looks like this might be the end of the Mercadito taco empire in NYC.
A reader sends along this photo tonight, showing that the landlord has taken legal possession of Mercadito at 179 Avenue B between East 11th Street and East 12th Street.
This doesn't necessarily mean the end… but it's not a great sign either. So far there isn't any mention of a closure on the restaurant's website or social media properties.
Mercadito Grove in the West Village closed last fall. And Mercadito Cantina at 172 Avenue B closed in January 2011.
This is a real loss!
Not to the people who live behind it!
Anon 11:06 - Yes, well, "the devil you know" as they say.
This place was always busy, so kinda surprising...
That's weird. It was always busy.
I hope they come back! They have some damn fine food and are mere steps from my front door.
What were they doing in the back that was so annoying?
Several sets of windows wide open all night until close omitting the loudest woos, hoos, umpteen 'happy birthdays' sung each night and perpetual chicken scent from the exhaust fan.
Perpetual chicken scent! O NOES.
I am not surprised by this revelation. The food wasn't exquisitely executed for the prices they charged. I don't think it will remerge. Sad loss for the hood.
These establishments might get more support from the locals if they had more respect for their neighbors.
They closed because their lease was up and they were going to triple the rent. Hard to imagine another restaurant that would be profitable given how popular it was.
Maybe they can move into the space a few doors down which has been sitting empty for 5 years now.
I heard their rent was increased too. That sucks. They had awesome guacamole and stiff margaritas.
You mean they can't make the rent charging $20 for three mini tortillias with two ounces of meat on them?
This place was amazing, the staff was friendly food was always consistent. price reasonable
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