Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Members of the Church of the Nativity (and others?) recite the Stations of the Cross throughout the neighborhood today on this Good Friday...

Photos by Derek Berg


Anonymous said...

As a non-angry Atheist, I can't help wonder why people feel need to do this in the street. It's one thing to celebrate your God in a closed space, but in broad daylight? I respect others for their beliefs, but this is ridiculous. Sorry. It's how I feel.

Walter said...

"Religion was invented to keep the poor from killing the rich" - Napoleon

Anonymous said...

J.S. Mill argued for agnosticism in his "Autobiography." His essential argument was that he couldn't prove the existence of a deity, nor could he disprove it.
Makes sense to me. Can you either prove or disprove that one exists?

Bill, libertarian agnostic

Anonymous said...

Yes, it cannot be proved, but you don't see the skeptics chanting down the street, impinging their logic over faith mind you, down the throats of others. People are incredulous and stupid. They are weak enough to believe anything. I better go now. I have to say a prayer to Winnie The Pooh, my savior.

Anonymous said...

oh, lighten up Francis.

St. Gravity said...

Have a little faith. No one knows what causes gravity either, but most of us believe it exists. If you don't believe then just go jump out the nearest window, I bet you will be a believer before you hit the ground.

Anonymous said...

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true."

Fredrich Nietzsche

So you're telling others to jump out of a window and somehow, magically have faith? Seriously? And furthermore, you're suddenly speaking on behalf of almost everyone on this platform, let alone humanity, to assume they too believe in your imaginary friend, known as JC? I don't care what you choose to believe in. That's your business. Don't begrudge others who have chosen to refute what has been subscribed to you. Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

St Gravity, No one know what causes gravity? Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 8:12 PM

Good Friday comes once a year.

Meanwhile, we hear daily from the Sun worshipers and how we must appease their Sun god with carbon credits or we will all be burnt to a crisp or frozen solid.

Wasn't the full moon breathtaking tonight? Shows up 12 or 13 times a year!

Anonymous said...

Am I seeing things or does the Roman soldier's breastplate have nipples?

Anonymous said...


Scientists (and people who take basic science classes) may know what "causes" gravity, but they are elitists and are not to be trusted. My gut says that it is magic.

St. Gravity said...

The fact is that no scientist, including Einstein, has yet been able to explain the source of gravity, yet we all know it exists. We simply take it on faith that something is causing gravity, but noone can explain how or why it happens. So people who say they only believe in scence are accepting things like gravity as a matter of faith without even knowing it. Happy Passover and Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ is just as real as The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes. Religion is also responsible for all of our wars, discrimination, hatred, violence, intolerance, and plain stupidity, all in the name of GOD? No thanks. I have my own moral compass and consciousness. I don't need the Christians or Catholics telling me I am going to hell for being gay. Or a bible, which is essentially a book of limericks, that vouches for violence when it deems fit.

Anonymous said...

St. Gravity, Because creationists cannot logically advance their positions, they have resorted to: 1) calling into question existing science; and 2) referring to scientific theories as beliefs.

This is successful only to the degree that some people cannot scientifically explain simple things like why two objects are attracted to each other, or why water evaporates, or why we see colors. Anything. It's not that these things can't be explained, it's that the average person's knowledge of science is low. So from there creationists say "Since these things cannot be explained, your adherence to them is simply a matter of faith, like mine."

The key is that science is always changing, as new hypotheses are tested, and new models developed, while faith is immutable. Creationists think that immutability is their strongpoint, whereas it's actually their chief weakness.

Mark Hand The Catchman said...

I'm a Belieber.

Anonymous said...

What about Islam? Too afraid to include them? These religious folks do more to help the homeless and poor than any of you. I guess the first amendment doesnt apply to religion? Please just STFU already. These are old school EV residents. The ones you claim to care so.much about. Show some respect while you are here. When you leave in 2 yrs they will still be here.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 1:08

What on earth are you talking about? Who said anything about leaving in two years? Of course others are entitled to their first amendment. But, others are also allowed to value logic over fiction. I am sure many who chanted in hysteria, outside of my apartment, on Good Friday, are pillars of the community. More power to them. And what are you referring to about me caring so much about them? No one gives a fuck about anyone other than themselves or their immediate family. Whether you're religious or not, I don't understand your argument. Are you high?